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tavdashi created a topic of 19 Days

so proud of u momooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

tavdashi created a topic of The Man Who Can't Taste

what jiho did is unnecessary. although he had good intentions it really wasn’t needed. he should’ve thought more in depth about why inwoo didn’t look comfortable throughout the whole meeting + he should NOT have given the flowers that poor inwoo got him to the mother. also, the “she’s still your mother comment” …. GOOOD i like u jiho but that’s just tone deaf

tavdashi created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

never read an mtl chapter out of respect for u guys lmaoo although that is the bare minimum. thank u for ur hard work. ur quality is the best ive seen from any scanlation grp ever so thank u for quality! i honestly think ur current pacing is good and its foolish for people to be so impatient when they know that theres a team of people working hard to bring them the best result to look at. again, thank u for ur hard work!

tavdashi created a topic of You and I can't do this

i love this so much. i know this may be mediocre to most but this is peak romance bl for me. this is my mossst favorite manhwa/manga ever nothing’s coming close. i LOVE THESE TWO SM. i love this . really. a lot. ive reread this like4 times and ive had the same reaction each time.

tavdashi created a topic of Profundis

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tavdashi created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

i wanna read the story in heejae’s POV so bad ( T﹏T ) was i the only one enjoying that more? it felt like such an interesting take that i was like (☆▽☆) but seyeong’s pov is cute as well i just wish it was more psychological(kind of) like it was in heejae’s! great story tho can’t wait for what’s next. also hes SOOO gonna drink with him again lmaoo

tavdashi created a topic of Codename Anastasia

is it physically impossible for authors to write a bl story without there being rape in it ?

tavdashi created a topic of Rocket Science Love

both of these guys r stupid . red haired guy is great. again, both of the leads are stupid. also, the readers are stupid for expecting that the mc will end up with red head like when has that happened in the history of ever ??? feel like both of the male leads feel strongly about things they shouldnt be caring about and dont gaf abt things that they should be giving a fuck abt

i really really liked this like this WAS my fav ongoing story for a while but nowww oh my goodd is this annoying. srsly ur in college be a bit more mature man what the fuck is wrong w u. this isnt even like a realistic response to problems this is just extending something that doesn’t need to be extended. get well soon

tavdashi created a topic of Cry Me a River

omg . bffr. sometimes i see crazy starts to a story that just gag me like oh my god the embarrassment that i felt while reading this SERIOUSLY BE FUCKING FOR REAL IM CTFU

tavdashi created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

at first i really liked gi tak cuz he looks exactly like my type of men. then i really hated gi tak cuz he became such a huge dick(literally). thank u sanho, for in the latest chapter u knocked some sense into the personified dildo. he needed to realize that the shit hes been doing is wrong (● ̄(エ) ̄●)

tavdashi created a topic of Jinx

KIM DAN STAND UP. honestly we knew how jaekyung would react. he is, was and always will be a huge asshole. i hate him very very much. BUT dan mannn how long r u gonna keep doing this. please open ur eyes ffs. where is ur self respect. almost threw my phone away reading todays chp. i cant omg ┗( T﹏T )┛

tavdashi created a topic of Jinx

someone pick him up dan is so stupid (im sorry) it genuinely hurts me also how is fhat big ass man getting so drunk from just one sip ???