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Alice-chan's experience ( All 0 )

Alice-chan's answer ( All 2 )

Definitely Arimura Ikuo x Yousuke Itou from Sayonara Game and Changed World   reply
17 05,2020
I think homelessness is a big problem andI think most of the time, it is caused by addiction and inability to properly manage money usage. I know people that dropout of high school, pregnant, and live off of the government, which doesn’t sit well with me. There will always be people that take advantage of what is given to them. There’s some peo......   reply
03 05,2020

Alice-chan's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did being in a wlw relationship

was one of those ppl who said "i will never experience that first wlw heartbreak" LMAO guess who's suffering now

2 hours
did being in a wlw relationship

lmao im hated by all her friends

6 hours
did being in a wlw relationship

Bro, it's both traumatizing and fun.

The first was traumatizing bcs I was too young, second was fun but traumatizing at the end

9 hours