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Nocturne404's feed

Nocturne404 created a topic of Saturday's Master

A lot of you clearly don't know what BDSM is and it shows.

Mr. Han is doing it pretty vanilla and up to the rules. He's very much a proper Dom and does his "after care" very diligently too.

I suggest you search Bondage& Discipline- Dominance &Submission-Sadism& Masochism which is the meaning of BDSM before you clack about this story and put labels on Mr. Han.

Do not even compare him with anyone, as Mr. Han is very much too vanilla too when it comes to his play in terms of BDSM.

The only thing I see wrong with what Mr. Han did is he neglected to explain to Seodan what his Sexual preferences is even after knowing that Seodan is as vanilla as a child, but then keep asking and expecting Seodan to put more trust in him. And also not setting up a safe word before starting everything and drafting a contract which will make clear outline of their agreement and what the Seodan could do and can't do.

That's very wrong of him and I held him accountable for that.

It is every Dom's responsibility ito make their Sub understand what kind of play they're to be doing specially to someone who's clearly a vanilla and know nothing about SM plays.

It is also a set rule that Doms and Subs are to reach an agreement of what to use for "safe word" before doing any actual play.

So tho I wouldn't agree that Mr. Han is the worst, he is indeed a red flag. Tho under SM, he's pretty much vanilla could be considered orange.