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KGC followed a list

Isekai, the usual transmigration, reincarnation, time travel etc. except, you know, it's gay

28 days
KGC answered question about read 1000 manga or more
I have the incredible power of ADHD, Many of us can pick up on subtle information that will spoil the ending or plot twists for us. As long as the writer/artist is decided on the final ML then I tend to know who the final one is and then I don't care about the triangle of love since I know who they are with in the end. I dislike it when they don'......
KGC answered question about i like girls
I love obsessive partners in Fiction. No Idea why, I just like it. But In REAL LIFE, Consent is Key. There a difference if its a non-consenting kink between multiple accepting parties or real non-consensual actions. Real Nonconsensual actions is disgusting IRL, and shouldn't be treated super lightly in fiction IMO. I personally only try to read......
KGC like the answer
Why the hell is this even a question you have got to ask? Istg mangago should have an inbuilt system where you can call the police or smth
KGC created a topic of Koroshiya no Oshi

I know he's alive and hes just faking his death or something since Big Boss there wants to protect him. But I STILL FEEL THE TEARS WELLING UP I AM SCARED HES DEAD I DONT WANT THAT.

Second ML is giving me iffy vibes, I get he's worried but idk why I don't like his vibes. I mean I don't think he's the Killer or anything I just don't like how he acts. DEFO supporting the ML or anyone other than 2nd ML.

KGC answered question about tried to kill yourself
Actively Tried for a Bit. as well as engaged in various self-destructive habits. Much more normal now, Instead of suicidal actions I tend to just go into catatonic depression. Although I do have issues if I see sharp objects I'll sometimes grab them without thinking about the injury that it will/may cause or even look forward to the injury at low......
KGC did

37 people did   /   35 want to do

{Nonbinary / Pan} I'm very open about my pronouns and don't hesitate to show attraction to people, but I don't openly say exactly what I am.

I really wanna read this one but am not that interested in reading the Main Story. Can I just read the Sequal or would that be mega confusing !!

KGC did

306 people did   /   166 want to do

4000+ Besties >:D

Chap 114 rn, Please what are the false chapters offical name ?? IM HOOKED !!

KGC followed a list

Because we all love this trope 
(BL only) 

Each page has my top 10 recs for these categories:
Pg 1 ➼ lighthearted
Pg 2 ➼ dark/heavy
Pg 3 ➼ sexual tension
Pg 4 ➼ slow burn
Pg 5 and beyond ➼ mix of stories
(will periodically shuffle order as I add more ◈ last re-organized 10/07/2023)

**The more extreme/explosive relationships tagged hate to love**

13 05,2024
KGC followed a list

they met in a game. they met outside the game. they fell in wuv

this list is meant to gather all the bl titles with this premise. quality not guaranteed. please please let me know if you know any other titles that fit this premise. feel free to hit the recommend button if you like the list <3

1-5 are my personal faves, rest are random order

13 05,2024
KGC followed a list
KGC created a topic of Love Interest Zone

I want there to be a physical aspect to his "time limit" like cancer or another terminal illness so ML can figure it out. :<

KGC created a topic of Restart My Heart

I want so badly for Uke to tell Seme about the numbers, I wanna see his reaction so badly.

(Don't get to made about me not calling the pair by their names, I barely remember how to spell my own names)

"The emotions I'm feeling now are real."
Raon-nim I respect you so much, you are shining so brightly. I wish you the best in whichever is your reality.

Could the uke also be a beast type amd just not fully yet ? They also have fangs so Its possible I guess but since normal humans can have fangs its also just as possible their normal !!

KGC followed a list

I like it when uke doesn't look like a girl with a ding dong lol SO LETS GET RID OF HETERO-LIKE HOMO COUPLE AND BRING OUR MANLY UKESSS (and girly semes )

As you can understand from the title this list is about not so typical yaoi couples, seme-ish ukes and uke-ish semes to have some lil bit of that spice  

This list contains:
• Muscular Uke
• Taller Uke/ Shorter Seme
• Similar physique 
• Girly/Pretty Seme
• Seke


03 05,2024