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Grogg answered question about question
I’m in a relationship, and my partner understands that I am not interested in children or marriage. I have a lot of personal reasons But the pressure as a woman to have children rarely goes away.
Grogg answered question about shotacon manga
Grogg followed question about shotacon manga

Now if I slapped you and stomped on you what would you do???

6 days
Grogg followed a list
Grogg answered question about question
Shit gets really boring real quick In a lot of BL it’s like the plot only exists until they fuck for the first time. Then it’s all day every day. I can skim through them, but I get the same effect if I drop it I’m good with smut, but not ONLY smut. Its like You really think that 110lb bottom can handle your 4ft dick 9 days outta the week??
Grogg created a topic of Ou-sama to Puppy Love
Grogg created a topic of No Moral

Who needs morals with boobs like these???!!

Grogg answered question about question
Grogg answered question about question
Grogg followed a list

A collection of BL MPREG manhwas/manhuas/mangas that meet MOST of my criteria, curated specifically for this trope: with visible belly (bump), with mpreg smut scene, with birth scene, and with baby. Added overview: if colored or black & white, if completed/ongoing at what chapter, omegaverse or not, and if plot-wise recommended.

#33 to 44: ONGOING/COMPLETED RAWS (mpreg happened already in mgg/raws)
#45 to 52: No mpreg stuff yet but based on the raw novel, there will be.

14 days
Grogg asked a question

Looking to break into GL, pls give me recs! I would love some sweet GL but tbh I’m open, just as long as it’s not all smut. Tysm!!

Grogg answered question about question
Mostly popular. Unquenchable Mr Kim Love is an Illusion Smyrna and Capri Heat and Run Caste Heaven Passion Profundis Taming the Tiger(this author period but Miscreants & Mayhem is the exception) Love Shuttle Cherry Blossoms after winter( I got bored and didn’t finish) ( ̄∇ ̄")
Grogg created a topic of Waterside Night

Uh he’s def pregnant right? He just needs to break a pinkie so he can go to the hospital and get popped

Also, if they have TAEJU cut his hair AT ANY POINT I WILL SCREAM. They did that shit in Mr 100% Perfect

Grogg followed question about question

i want to read some novels but idk where to read. can yall give me some novel sites.

21 days
Grogg answered question about question
Ragnarok! It’s short, only has 3 seasons. It follows Agnus and his family as they move back to their mother’s hometown. The beginning of the season is about Agnus struggling to get to the bottom of his best friend’s death. The show follows a loose Thor storyline, don’t think Marvel, think OG Thor. the Norwegian version is the best imo ヾ......
Grogg followed question about going to concerts

no "don't like don't read" or "let people enjoy things" allowed! this is a safe space for haters to talk shit about tropes they hate! nothing generic about hating noncon or incest either

23 days
Grogg followed question about going to concerts

Can be manhwa/manhua/manga

24 days