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uwurie created a topic of Punch Drunk Love
uwurie created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

oh no whats gonna happen to the mother ):

uwurie created a topic of PASSION

taeui is either gonna be incredibly lucky or unlucky to have ilay show up at the house

uwurie created a topic of Whose Baby is it?

i feel so bad for muqing, he seems so kind and sincere. it’s not his fault his mother is a stubborn bull who can’t understand others

uwurie created a topic of Stay With Me

damn it i was not expecting seme to be so far away, i wish he heard the convo!!! that would save some misunderstandings )):

uwurie created a topic of Punch Drunk Love


uwurie created a topic of Our Sunny Days

what a lovely chapter. now its time for them to be a family hehe

ok so ive just started this, barely on ch 40 and im tearing up everytime she remembers her past of being mistreated by her family and I FUCKING HATE EVERYONE IN THAT HOUSE as well as all the people who mistreated penelope in the past too…

like them trying to be kind to her now and shes just bringjng up stuff that they used to say and do to her and fuck my tears are falling… penelope im rooting for u forever and always ;-;

uwurie created a topic of Smyrna & Capri
uwurie created a topic of Reunion

they are so lovely and yoonsung is so romantic :’) that confession… to die for

fuck this ending man, what was that so called “redemption”? seme literally just cried and drank while his sister meddled. wow. kyunghoon best character, no thoughts no drama

uwurie followed a list

You'll never know when you will die and reincarnate as Villainess from an otome game or a princess with a very bad daddy. 

learn all the cheats and how to avoid your tragic destiny.

so start reading today!

13 10,2023
uwurie created a topic of Lucky Paradise


also, its nice to see them lookin and acting a bit silly after all thaf sad and painful angst :’)

uwurie created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

he is so small so tiny he must be protected… my son..

uwurie created a topic of Our Sunny Days

the baby is so adorable… she’s only got two strands of hair but very prominent and thick eyebrows like her dad LOL SO CUTE

im enjoying where this is going. daija’s not exactly a good guy (he’s a snake.. lol) and anke’s not wrong in his beliefs. it would be devastating to miyo if anything happened to daija but what i like about anke is that he doesn’t spread his hatred to daija’s family, as they are innocent. hatsumi fuckijgn sucks, i get it, ur life sucks and u were forced to marry a man u did not love, but whats with the hate towards miyo? she literally did nothing to u.

uwurie created a topic of Honey Trouble

i need to see that partner of prof cha…. is he a cutie too OwO
