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Ugh's experience ( All 0 )

Ugh's answer ( All 2 )

about penpals
Add me my id maggot-child96   reply
21 01,2019
about penpals
I hope we can talk a little, my id maggot-child96   reply
04 11,2018

Ugh's question ( All 1 )

about penpals
Ugh 21 01,2019
Hello, I'm looking for some online friends.
We could talk about anime, manga, games, and music. Idk I'm pretty lonely so write if you wan.
I'm from Poland and my English is quite weak so if you don't mind
   ∧_∧・ω・`) ↑
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21 01,2019

People are doing

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did song lyrics stuck in head

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