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Bh@vna_Bhai's feed

Bh@vna_Bhai created a topic of My Suha

Wtf are you guys on about Do-hYUCK deserving Siwoo? Fck no, hell no. Sure the SA that happened to him was really unfortunate, no one deserves that but that does not mean we can look past his asshole behaviour. Even now, when he's promising Siwoo he'll do better, he's hardly capable of acting on it like a normal person. Maybe few or MANY years later, IF he learns how to behave like a proper person AND actually start feeling remorse for what he did to everyone, Suha, Siwoo and even Jiwoon, then I can get behind him getting together with Siwoo. Otherwise, it's a toxic ship at the cost of Siwoo who's gonna be constant suffering and neglect even.