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I am not gonna lie this shit made me confused as hell

lynxxi created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

Aw the way they look at each other. (▰˘◡˘▰)

Btw I’ve been wondering, what’s wrong with bots uploading translations?

lynxxi created a topic of DEAREST

Gunner, I’ll remember you, and not for good purposes. I’ll swing my fist

lynxxi created a topic of Waterside Night

Why does this author make the kids so cute what. Personally irl kids make me annoyed asl

lynxxi created a topic of Misunderstanding

Maybe u should call the hospital for urself

lynxxi created a topic of Leave Room For Love

accept his love for u yui

lynxxi created a topic of 19 Days


Bro did not raise her son like a real son, for crying out loud give that nanny a raise

lynxxi created a topic of Sutenaide My Hero

Where’d this guy hikaru come from??? Even fell for the guy who SA him?? Kaede almost left azusa for bro???

The art is so jaw dropping but the “stepmom” caught me off guard..this seems like a good manhua tho

lynxxi created a topic of Shining Summer

no why couldn’t wonjae live a good happily ever after w youngmin in jihoon’s body

lynxxi created a topic of Misunderstanding

Ye um that ws uncalled for.. starting to get a lil freaky in here

lynxxi created a topic of Misunderstanding

That’s a little..

lynxxi created a topic of Honey Trouble

8 freaking months and my sanity is slowly leaving me, I’m gonna go bazankas

lynxxi created a topic of Hero VS. Villain

I mean.. they got married! Hooray!!!

lynxxi created a topic of Waterside Night


lynxxi created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

Straight to the point !!(except he’s not actually straight)