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yaoikitt like the answer
Sasaki to Miyano is SO BORING OMG!!! YAWNFEST like bro I tried to get into it but I kept getting bored... Yubisaki to Renren, bro it was a fucking snoozefest, its so uninteresting istg... They're such boring charas. Say I Love You, I hate the ml so much, and I hate the mc, they're so insufferable! Also his hairstyle is so fucking ugly bro.
yaoikitt followed question about tried to kill yourself

And I'm not talking about BJ Alex, Painter of the Night, Killing Stalking, Love is an illusion etc, like I'm pretty sure we are all aware those are trash fests but entertaining. You know what people dont talk about enough how BAD cherry blossoms after winter is....... there I said it. That manhwa fills me up with an irrational amount of hatred jus......

25 05,2024
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