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Purky created a topic of Hands Up Me!

I am gonna go fan mode and just say;
I Want more. PLEASE. This was so cute and idk if its healthy, but lets just pretend it is since there are big tits in the equation.
Anyways, i think the author is just a criminal for not giving us any side stories, or extras

Purky created a topic of Salvation Spirit

A really intresting concept, but the embarrassing moments are just...
Is it only me or is their sex non-con?? Anyways ill leave this alone untill its finished or something, see yall then ig

Purky answered question about have an unpopular opinion
Okay i think what you saw was *SOCIALLY TRANSITIONING* Explanation: There is transitioning using surgery where someone goes and does a surgery to transition into the gender they're supposed to be. This kind of surgery is only allowed to 18+ persons. Why? Children cant go into these kind of surgery due to it being very hard on them since they have w......
Purky created a topic of Can't Think Straight

Tell me this shit is written by a straight woman without telling its written by a straight woman.
PLEASE. My man garam has NO pride, like not a single droplet of pride is inside that brain.
Wdym hump and fuck? how did he come up with the conclusion that sucking off a homophobic dude who is degrading him in a bathroom while his friends who are OUTSIDE, a good idea??? Nahhh this shit is FOUL.
I think the only thing garam needs right now is a sense of pride, i think the author forgot to give him that as a bonus to his very well written character
No huge dick would get me on my knees like that in a dirty ass bathroom, and ESPECIALLY not a douche bag's weenie at that

Purky created a topic of Lima Syndrome

Okay. I am lost at words, but damn this was short as fuck.
This story is really well written IMO, tho i think it would've been better to end it off with the black-hair's suicide.
I might be fucked up for this but i want more of this story, it has so much more opportunity to branch out to be an even more fulfilling story.
Id read this if it was a 100 chps kind of comic but guess there is no chance of that.

Purky created a topic of My Suha

I have no idea what the author is doing, obvsly everyone hates this shitty sidestory.
A good character got ruined (the bestfriend) and all the author is doing now is just giving red head a sub-fantasy???? Idk man.
And now he will get gangraped. This is NOT what us readers want, just let him die or something, this shitty character doenst deserve this long of a side story.
I am srsly just mad that a good character like suha's bestfriend got ruined like that.
He is now just as horrible as the red-head (in many ways)
This shit asscheeks and it stinks.

Purky created a topic of My Favorite Idol

All iam seeing is friendship between the two mls so far. And i know this is a romance, but i like their dynamic that way.
Like two dumbass bestfriends fighting over something, it would be more unique that way too.
Idk if romance will work between those two, dont get me wrong they are both EXTREMELY shitty so they might find some toxic traits to bond over
And why did the girl ml change personalities feom the first chp to the last?? Wasnt she supposed to be an extreme case of s-tan??
But other than all that; Its really fun. It did give me ALOT of second hand embarrassment in some moments, but so far i am having fun reading this.

HELPMELMAO created a topic of Lookism


Purky created a topic of Full volume

Tbh i didnt expect doojin to be an introvert. He seemed really social and extroverted but guess not

Purky created a topic of Hi Manyuaru Ren Ai

Ooo the long hair is also a cross dresser??
Why are all the intresting stories one shot??

Purky says:

Can anyone recommend fluffy shit? All ia m seeing these days are toxic relationships left and right
(I dont mind the gender; just anything )

Purky created a topic of Love Shuttle

The main couple is just adorable and i would whole-heartedly die for them.
Cute couple, loved the concept, 10/10; def recommended.
But warning: dont read the side story, its just toxic and unsettling af; unless youre a fan of incest then go ahead
The brother needs therapy; liking your brother for that long is just a fire-pile of mental illnesses peaking right through you.
And tbh the dojun (or wtvs his name is) REALLY needs dating exprience, the doctor guy is right; he IS very toxic.
But ill just ignore the side story and pretend as if i didnt see it and just love the main couple's cuteness.
And the side story felt rushed af IMO. It felt as if the author said "fuck it" and just moved on with life, which tbh i dont blame them for
What a ride that was.

Purky created a topic of Lucky Paradise

Took them 95 chpts but atleast they ended it with a dramatic gay theater ending.
Love them, love this, goodbye i can die at peace now.

Purky created a topic of Can't Think Straight

The uke in this story is so satisfying to me, its refreshing to see someone that can say "no! Fuck off." Every once in a while.
Tho i bet they are going to fuck next chapter

Purky created a topic of Jinx

I called it. The new character is an actor.
But anyways; UGH. He is adorable, thank god he isnt suck a peice of shit, we REALLY need a break from those.
And yes, duh, with no bit of a doubt i will give all my life savings to see dan with that pink marshmallow.
And lets be honest, heesung is top-teir in design and personality. we only have one chapter with him and we are all HOOKED.
I really thought this dude will either br an asshole or like jae, i am so happy he has standards
And him being written as a hopeless romantic is so fun imo; i really cant wait to see more of that.
(And btw i will just kindly ignore that dan likes jae now ill just peacefully swim in my comfortable delusions thank you very much)

Purky created a topic of Dark Fall

Bring me back when this "story" starts to have ana actual plot.
All i am seeing is non-con with no plot and its boring af

Purky created a topic of If You Hate Me So

Dropping this dumpster fire.
First chapters and we are going STRONG with rape.
my fav, gotta love the author amazing writing skills
Yeah nope, iam done with pretty bottoms forgiving rape like shit's sweet.

Purky created a topic of Love Is An Illusion

I dont really enjoy alpha/omega stories, so uh but like... is it okay in this universe to completely discard an omega's feelings/disagreements?
And omg the m-preg
This is my introduction to this genre and its not very good

Purky created a topic of Jinx

I might seem toxic for this but hear me out.
You dont have to agree with me but i wanna say something.
I genuinely like jae's characteristics;
In fiction i like shitty characters that get their ass handed to them by love, i know its a very problematic thing to like but fiction is just plessure i believe. Yk like when in angst, we watch stuff that makes us sad/angry/confused or wtvs negative feeling bcuz we find it fun for some reason.
I like characters that make me mad bcuz they then seem intresting to me; they give me the feel of excitement to know "how will they end up?"
This said i want to point out; jae might have those 'characteristics' i look in characters when i am reading comics but the thing that ruins him whole is him being a SAter.
I truly believe that if jae didnt have that "trope" (its a crime, but i have no other ideology to use ) I wouldve liked him **AS A CHARCTER.**
I would ofc not like him as a person; he is still an asshole even without the rape part, but i would enjoy him existing in diffrent environments and interacting with other ppl. Cuz i find asshole fun to observe? This sounds wrong.
ANYWAYS; I just wish the author didnt add the rape as a "trope" to have
Or she just can simply recognize her character as a rapist which will add more layers to it as a being and maybe from their she can work him up to getting fucked upa nd distroyed cuz a rapist doenst deserve no happy ending.
That being said; do i like jae? Fuck no, but do i think his character wouldve been intresting if he didnt rape somebody? YES.