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Purky created a topic of Hardcore Vanilla

I simply love this. Consensual sm is always great; and a femdom? Even better.
One of my favs, tho there is barely any plot to talk abt, they fuck every chapter but its good nonetheless.

Purky did

37 people did   /   2 want to do

Kubz scouts. I love him; this man is so funny and so hot at the same time, i dont knoe if i should laugh or drool fr (i am sorry)

Purky created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

I hope its not raising the kid to be their adult love interest, cuz ew.
And that guy seems familiar but i have no idea in what chapter i saw him.
But anyways; i understood nada from this chapter.
PLEASE. If your english is bad; dont translate.

Purky created a topic of Sex Complex CG TOON

This was awfully bad; it made me laugh
The repeated pannels and fanfic writing was AWFUL, but to be fair it was kinda funny.

Purky created a topic of My Suha

Okay but like? Arent they all friends??????
they have no motive to rape him?? Do they?? Am i missing something?
And please dont tell me they raped him (a literal crime) just bcuz he was rude to them at some point.
WHAT WAS THE GREEN GUY'S MOTIVE??? It feels like the author just wanted ANYONE to rape him and they decided to choose his friends without even writing a proper backstory to WHY.
Other then this being literal bullshit and having a massive plot hole; this shit is just foul. The villain got what he deserved from the main story, so why make a whole goddamn side story (that ruins a side character btw) just to rape him in diffrent fashions?? This seems hella unnescary, and from a writing standpoint; its just really lazy IMO.
I just wanted to see the cute main couple doing cute main couple shit, but all i got was a redhead getting assaulted.
And the problem is now we cant say: "thats what he deserves, karma!!" Like when he lost his share of the company, we just feel bad for him and that just completely discards him as a villain.
Anyways; YOLO.

Purky created a topic of Yeonwoo's Innocence

Thats why so many male victims of sa dont come out for help.
These comments are a little fragment to why; be better.

Purky created a topic of Boy Girlfriend

The interaction with the characters are so boring and cliche.
The second-hand embarrassment is REAL.

Purky answered question about question
I am on the autistic spectrum so most of the time i find it hard to understand how someone is feeling. i might come off as blunt, sarcastic, or even rude and i cant even realize it unless someone tells me.
Purky created a topic of Jinx

Why are people shipping potato and heesung so hard
The only interaction they had was heesung calling potato ugly lmfao; istg yall are a bunch of menaces who want to see ppl suffer
But i know that, knowing how bj alex turned out they def will be the side couple so jokes on me ig

Purky created a topic of My Brother's Lover

Okay wow. i just have so many thing to say.
This was so fucking pulling to read, i gen enjoyed reading this whole and i cant wait any longer for the next season, WOW.
Tbh for a bl; this is so good in plot. It feels as if i know whats going to go down but at the same time i have no idea.
I am so curious abt the big brother's diary, i want to know why he wrote so much about his brother, i want to know what happened that day at the hospital, and why the ml is so repulsed by won's smell. So yk its good when a comic makes you ask all these questions.
UGH. This SO GOOD. Its a real crime that this is 28 chapter only. Wow. BTW; This is HELLA recommended, if you into mystery, youd eat this one up in a whim.
And one more thing; i love how the little brother's jealousy and feeling are protrayed, its so indulging and it makes me as a reader so excited to know more.
Claps to the author tbh; what a good comic this is.

Purky created a topic of Fucked by My Best Friend

Y'all. This shit have been going on for TOO LONG, and just now we get any progress to finding that girl.
I am dropping this untill its finished, so see yall in the nursing homes <3

Purky created a topic of Sex Drop

This is kind of iffy, i like the couple's realtionship in vol2. I didnt like the start of it when they had sex when one of them was intoxicated but idk. If the blonde guy is okay with their realtionship being that way then eho cares? They are both happy and thats what matters.
And btw the koh dude is just a peice of shit and the blonde kid is an absolute SAINT for even thinking about him.

Purky like topic of Jinx

Lets pull a weak hero move and get jaekyung hit by a truck. Then Dan can steal some money, a girlfriend or a boyfriend and move on with his life. Thank you

Purky created a topic of Jinx

My man got himself a rich boyfriend and hes still crushing on the petty rapist
Bro has no standards what so ever.
The cotton candy guy has a good personality and is gen nice, but god i like the new trait of him being sly.
And tbh jae being a petty bitch isnt surprising to me, and him being controlling too
Jae is a walking red flag, its insane how so many ppl like him in this comment section.
Anyways, i know it wont happen but heesung x dan all the way, ill keep feeding my delusions false hope untill i feel better.

Purky created a topic of Safety First

This was fast af but sure ig

Purky created a topic of Assorted Wildness

Idk why mong (uke) is so fond of raping characters for blackmail, but sure ig
I kinda wished mong would top in the extra but we got a furry moment instead.

ANYWAYS, idk how to feel abt this; i dont think going for an angry issued person as a partner is a good idea tbh, and mong has that cheater vibe to him, and jeha (seme) needs therapy for both childhood trauma and anger issues.
I srsly dont think threatining your bf with killing/dismembering them is all that sexy, but it might just be me?

Purky answered question about question
My man think he is still a teen or something, he needs a growing up pill
Purky did

2506 people did   /   2057 want to do

Kissed a girl in highschool, she lowkey made me realise i was into men. Thanks for letting me know i was more into guys.

Purky did

242 people did   /   23 want to do

2 girls, one cup. Wasnt a fan; i am still recovering.