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i_alice created a topic of The Genius Actor’s Aura

Genuine question whether the fox is a guy or a girl?

AHAHHAHAHAHAH It's 1 am and I'm here laughing my ass of because of this HAAHHAHAHAHHAHA FREAKING HELP HAJAJJAJA

i_alice created a topic of The Genius Actor’s Aura

The MC has a good personality that i like, he's soft but not a pushover at the same time he actually acts like someone who experience life compared to the other student around him (after he was reborn). Second, i think the fox was hot af. Third the blue head guy, also hot af.Fourth, the characters reacts appropriately with MC's talent. Fifth the long haired girl at the workshop kinda pisses me off, though i understand her circumstances but she still pisses me off hope she's not the fl (generally i hope there would be NO ROMANCE, but he knows)

Sixth, I don't think the plot moves pretty fast, that's why i enjoyed it so much. i got carried away that i didn't even realize I've reached the recent update. I wish there were more chapters (。♡‿♡。)

I don't know, when i first read it I thought it has some visible plot holes, and it seems that everything is moving too fast like I still haven't gotten attached to the character for me to pay that much attention to them.
But I don't know, imma continue reading and see how this goes..

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 Martial Arts
   Second chances! 
 New Life!
 Weak To Strong! 

26 01,2024

The art style is immaculate and all of the characters are 100000 top notch hotties!!

I love how the mc is just such a dad with the other members and just loves feeding them HAHHAHHA. I can't wait for more chapters (๑♡⌓♡๑)

i_alice created a topic of Who's Spying

MYGHAAD! this story is the best!! Great art style, Great plot to the point that it got me hooked, The MC is cunning, I like the chemistry between the two MC! Just everything about this is top notch!!

Especially the relationship between the two MC is so refreshing HAHAHHAHA I don't know who the top or bottom is, but the two of work so well together that it doesn't need an over the top intimacy with each other . I also love the MC's personality, at first i thought he would be the strict but naive type BUT NOOO!! he became so cunning and fun to read, he's doesn't have the cookie cutter style i mostly see in this type of stories. Another thing with the ML(?), i was so happy he doesn't have the "Im a rich and untouchable character" trope hahahah, he has some real characteristics like him being scared of ghost and not just some cold block.

Really glad i found this gem, hoping for.more!!! And a again i freaking love LOVE ghe art stule!!

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I created this list because sweet, puppy like semes are my favorite and it seems that there are always people asking for recommendations of this type.  So here you go!   ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

Feel free to suggest any manga you feel I’m missing here.  I’m always in the mood to read about this adorable type of character!  And please do recommend this list if you liked it 

19 01,2024
i_alice created a topic of Mairimashita! Iruma-kun

I was enjoying it too much that I can't believe I've reached the lates update ಥ‿ಥ...i guess it's the waiting game again

--- Theory part (spoilers ahead)---
I have a theory about why Delkira (the demon king) disappeared. I thought maybe he was injured too badly to the point of weakening because of that one scene where Sullivan was bowing/crying while covered in blood in front of the Demon king(i think that was the last time he saw Delkira sama before Sullivan announce to everyone that Delkira sama "order" them to guard his throne).

I thought maybe Delkira sama left his memories/mana in the ring Iruma kun was wearing explaining how Ali-san mana, that Iruma used in the physical exam, showed the sign of the Demon king.

And i also theorized that Iruma kun might have some relation to Delkira sama, maybe like a another half type of thing, because if he(Delkira sama) was dying maybe a part of him went into reincarnation or entered a human babies body, explaining why the ring responded to Iruma. Though I'm still not sure about this because this cannot explain about Iruma kuns parents behavior, because there is still a part of me who thinks maybe there is a reason why Iruma kun had parents like that.

But either way, I can't wait to see how this will end. Truthfully I'm kinda hoping Iruma kun was a lost relative of Delkira sama or something just so he could kick the asses of those demons who discriminate Iruma kun just for being human.

I'm so excited to see where this all go

i_alice created a topic of Mairimashita! Iruma-kun

Iruma + wicked phase + rock genre = HOLY MOTHER OF DIVINE!!!

I think i fell in love,just drop dead gorgeous

i_alice created a topic of Eleceed

KAYDEN'S HERE!! oh gosh thank ghad, but I'm kinda worried and excited, hope they get atleast the arm of that crazy barney old man

i_alice created a topic of Eleceed


How dare he hurt Kartein!! Bitch need some smacking.

And side note, Kayden really be out here becoming an inspiration, love that for you king

i_alice created a topic of Eleceed

Kartein don't die!!!! PLEASE! if anything happens to you jiwoo would be terribly sad don't do anything reckless my man

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i_alice created a topic of Form of Sympathy

Tangina beh, umabot ng 100+ chapters bago naging sila HAHAHAHAHAH
honestly it's kinda refreshing

i_alice created a topic of Form of Sympathy

I got this feeling that that damn picture will cause something major to happen, and I don't like it one bit

i_alice created a topic of Form of Sympathy

Yuri keeps getting cuter and cuter the more oblivious he is with his feelings HAHAHAHHA

i_alice created a topic of Form of Sympathy

Yuri: "... It's Simple Sympathy"
Also Yuri: *getting off while thinking of Mr. Lee*

Yeeaahh suree~ "Sympathy" ಠ_ಠ HAAHHA

i_alice created a topic of Form of Sympathy

Oohhhh~ and thats when mister Lee found out how dangerously confusing Yuri can be. He ain't good for the heart, i tell you that