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valerie created a topic of Jinx

i read ch 46 and im so glad dan is slowly realizing jaekyung doesnt like him. i hope this doesnt end like bj alex because jiwon had SOME decency atleast. jaekyung just treats dan like shit when in bj alex, jiwon had some respect atleast. i hope jaekyug loses his next matches and his shoulder gets worse and dan isnt there to help him. i hope dan leaves jaekyung without a word. i know he needs the money, but im hoping someone ELSE will help him. hes wasting his time.

i genuinely hope heesung and potato are dating and dan enter it into a poly relationship. heesung and potato are adorable and would treat dan with so much respect. i hope jaekyung has to like donate smth to dan's grandma out of pity and dies. id giggle and not even cry

im only still reading this bc i have nothing better to do. and im only reading for jaekyung's downfall