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Zolibum created a topic of Thanks For Everything Dad!

I honestly blame myself for seeing moobs and immediately clicking.

Zolibum created a topic of Neck and Neck

Why do I have a feeling he is gonna forgive him and give me second hand embarrassment very soon, sigh

Zolibum created a topic of Betting on You

This is why you mind your business! I canā€™t even feel bad for him atp because what was the plan?

Zolibum answered question about character obsession

The smirk when he realised he was the wrong targetā€¦ this guy is a real life villain lmao

Zolibum like the answer
im gonna say ur autistic bc who in their right mind would ask a manga site abt their mental health problem
Zolibum created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

Aww man he is so cute though! Like I want to squish his face into a little ball thatā€™s how adorable he is.
Itā€™s a shame he was brought into such a painful and unloving environment to the point of him being so confused about the world and vulnerable that he resembles a child not only in physical but also in a mental and emotional state. Anywaysā€¦ did I mention how he adorable is?

Zolibum created a topic of Flower of the Sun

Oh brotherā€¦ I thought things were about to become serious, I honestly blame myself for not getting suspicious the second I saw tentacles.

Zolibum created a topic of My Suha

I struggle to envision them being an actual loving couple, which is honestly why Iā€™m still reading this because I really want to see how this ends. Iā€™m also really conflicted because even though I feel terrible for Do Hyeok I also canā€™t stand him like I actually hate this man so much itā€™s concerning and so Iā€™m not extremely keen on him having a happy ending and especially not with his exes (the ex that he traumatised and took advantage of), best friend. BUT low-key this story is much more interesting than the main

Iā€™m just glad Jin is taking it slow and communicating that instead of rushing into a new relationship and hurting both himself and Clay in the end. Iā€™m also glad that Clay is willing to wait and not putting pressure. Itā€™s so refreshing seeing such open communication, this is so realistic and healthy. I love this comic so much that I literally wait for new uploads everyday lol.

Zolibum created a topic of I Want to Spoil Ikurou-san

7 chapters in and I only now realised that he does indeed have eyebrows.

Honestly, the art is fine; Iā€™ve seen worse. Even if the anatomy is a little stiff or the shading is that great, how does this affect the plot? Not every comic is going to be on the same level as da Vinci's work, and thatā€™s ok! I havenā€™t caught up with comics yet since I just started reading, but so far itā€™s good. The pacing is good; it isnā€™t overly reliant on the smut, thereā€™s a good balance between the romance and the plot, and most of the characters are actually decent and there's actually a storyline. I highly recommend it if you are into detective stories since it goes into detail of the cases and the interviews. Itā€™s honestly a really good read.

BTW, most of yā€™all complaining and giving ā€œcriticismā€ wouldnā€™t be able to draw a stick figure properly if your life depended on it, so you honestly have no space to complain, especially since most of us arenā€™t even paying for this. the audacity of some of yā€™all

Zolibum created a topic of Double Leash

This art style, especially the nose looks so familiarā€¦ I swear Iā€™ve seen it somewhere.

Zolibum created a topic of Androgynous

Yea no Iā€™m not gonna even bother reading this after that first chapter.
Firstly whether he is or not, he looks like a child and I donā€™t feel comfortable reading that, secondly the poor guy was rā€”ped twice already and weā€™re only on the first chapter so I wonā€™t bother because Iā€™m pretty sure it will get worse than this.
Thirdly this is clearly trying to mirror the ā€œ Pocahontasā€ trope and Iā€™m not fucking with that, extremely problematic in so many aspects. and lastly I donā€™t appreciate being clickbaited because that is clearly not the same couple and I suspect that is the reason why this hasnā€™t been removed yet because this is clearly pedophilia in my opinion.

Zolibum asked a question

I wanted to reread this manhwa but I forgot the name entirely.
Itā€™s a bl and itā€™s about this guy who meets an old classmate at the restaurant he is working at as his manager. Iā€™m pretty sure the manager had a sugar mama who gave him the manager position. The mc is also a medical school dropout who was kicked out of his parents house, tried to pursue his dream (I forgot sorry) but failed at that which is why he is working at the restaurant. And both the Uke and the seme are pretty buff or well built, itā€™s one of those ā€œI canā€™t which is the top or bottomā€ manhwas.
Anyways please help I would really appreciate it.

Zolibum created a topic of Bad Friend

This might be a stupid question but how did he eat? And how did he piss and shit? Did he just let the shit dry up?? Is that a vulgar question, if so Iā€™m sorry but Iā€™m genuinely curious on how he survived without going absolutely bonkers.
Anyways I hope there are side chapters. ā•„ļ¹ā•„

One of the only manhwas that donā€™t lessen in length as more chapters come out, you can tell the author loves this story not to mention that the quality of art style hasnā€™t decreased in fact itā€™s gotten better in my opinion. I stand by this story because unlike other stories it portrays a realistic relationship without being overly toxic. This is also a reason why Iā€™m never upset when authors take long hiatuses because itā€™s better to wait than get crappy, rushed stories that the author has clearly started to resent. Lastly whoā€™s genes were so strong that all 3 generations look identical

Zolibum created a topic of Full volume

I may the only one that thinks this and thatā€™s honestly ok butā€¦ I would really like to see more side chapters about the personal trainer, in fact I would thoroughly enjoy it

Zolibum created a topic of Two Sions

Everyoneā€™s laughing about the eyebrows and yea they are pretty bad but can we please talk about how much the anatomy has improved. Itā€™s not perfect but jeez in comparison to the first chapter is way more proportionate and less stiff.