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space_ex March 17, 2020 4:32 am

kang... u sweet angel..... u did nothing wrong....

the thing that sucks is that sometimes u just get stuck in a mediocre living relationship bc it gets comfortable. so i get where kim's coming from, and he gives off disaster gay energies so who am i to blame him? i just feel bad for kang.

i feel like the hyung is no good tho. he's sketchy, with a convient "loan sharks" excuse to disappear. like bro..... no. i feel like he does like kim, but he's too manipulative and sneaky to be anything but bad news.

however dick DO be bomb tho

whatever happens, i hope kang gets a raise at his job

    felice March 17, 2020 4:34 am

    No dick is good enough if you can't stay loyal.

    Tf am i talking about(?)

    claudiaspen March 18, 2020 7:18 am

    Yesssss I fucking love your response. This is what Im talking about lmao

space_ex March 17, 2020 1:56 am

shion's a dude whether he has a clit or a dick. this is basic you fools.

ngl, and downvote this all you want, but the whole "where's the yaoi" question is gross and fetishistic. Shion's a guy, Rui's a guy, regardless of the physical gender they both know this and still are interested in each other - and we've literally seen that even when Shion's physically a guy there's no problem.

So i dont get why you guys are just dying to see these two fuck as physical guys. They're literally dating and openly talking about dating as guys. THEY DONT EVEN USE A FEMININE/ALT NAME FOR SHION AS A GIRL, HE'S JUST SHION !! like jesus, you guys can be really fucking disgusting about the whole thing. I usually prefer not-straight stories bc i hate how women are fetishized (as a gal who gets fetishized myself) but honestly the way you guys are acting is weird and im begging you guys to introspect on it.

(edit: liking watching guys smash is cool !! thats what most of us are here for !! my issue is more that shion is a guy so this story is already very gay. trans rights idk. follow me on insta @ it.julie)

    Blubirdy March 16, 2020 12:59 pm

    Honestly saying what i couldnt, i totally agree, its refreshing to see even when Shion turns into a female then to male Rui still finds him attractive, ppl needa chill abit, js

    Molly March 16, 2020 12:59 pm

    i’ve noticed this in the comments too. like, please stop referring to him as if he is a girl.. he’s not.

    Constantly Confused March 16, 2020 1:02 pm

    I feel the same way. Even when Shion is physically a female, I really don't see him as a girl because he acts the same as he does as a male. So when I see them, I feel them as both guys tbh.

    space_ex March 16, 2020 1:11 pm
    Honestly saying what i couldnt, i totally agree, its refreshing to see even when Shion turns into a female then to male Rui still finds him attractive, ppl needa chill abit, js Blubirdy

    they're in love !! and they're dude !! even without the dick they still dudes in love !!

    space_ex March 16, 2020 1:12 pm
    i’ve noticed this in the comments too. like, please stop referring to him as if he is a girl.. he’s not. Molly

    the last chapter where they were at the doctors was the first time they had to use pronouns for Shion (before it was just Rui/Shion speaking directly to each other, no need for pronouns) and bro when they immediately used "he/his" pronouns REGARDLESS of the fact that Shion was presenting as a female.... THE TASTE !!!

    space_ex March 16, 2020 1:14 pm
    I feel the same way. Even when Shion is physically a female, I really don't see him as a girl because he acts the same as he does as a male. So when I see them, I feel them as both guys tbh. Constantly Confused

    yes !! shion is very much still a dude !! at first they tried to do the whole "im turning into a girl!!" thing but i think they're revealing that shion acting all "cute" was just bc he realized he liked Rui lmao especially bc when they were both physically male for a sec and Shion was still all cutesy

    T-raw March 16, 2020 2:56 pm

    Actually for me I'm ace/asexual (means I don't feel sexual attraction/Im just really uninterested in sex), and for me I just don't like even the option to project myself into the female characters in sexual relationships (Im also a women). So reading a story about two men is perfect because it's so disconnected from who I am. Which is quite common in the ace community

    Idk if that makes sense but you asked why people wanna see two male bodies and this is my reason.

    Keychan March 16, 2020 3:06 pm

    I mean I somewhat disagree. I still agree with you on the fact that Shion is still a guy through and through. That’s a no brainer, and yaoi IS fetishized. But here’s the thing is that yaoi is supposed to be. It’s literally porn and porn is generally fantasized versions of sex. I’m not saying it’s always right but as long as its not taken into real life than there’s nothing wrong with it. It’s the same with all porn. Also this is all just my opinion and take on it. I’m not asking anyone to agree with me or change your mind just sharing what I think (so let’s try and keep this civilized unlike many online disagreements).

    Anonymous March 16, 2020 3:21 pm

    I don't see a problem with it. If I want to see two fictional boys frick then I'll be shameless and ask where's the yaoi? I'm not into straight sex (that I don't understand myself on) but the comic shows female and male bodies having sex. Personally I am fetishising men, only fictional men of course, but I don't see how this could affect you or how this fetish is bad or wrong compared to others.To put it bluntly, it's none of your business to fetish shame or tell people to stop commenting. It's the internet nobody has the right to boss another around it's a free place. Same thing goes toward my comment, but I honestly want to know why everyone is so bothered by it.

    zaswas15 March 16, 2020 4:03 pm
    Actually for me I'm ace/asexual (means I don't feel sexual attraction/Im just really uninterested in sex), and for me I just don't like even the option to project myself into the female characters in sexual rel... T-raw

    Holy, that how I feel! I feel discugtesd with the thought of having sex myself, even if it would be with someone I love. But Yaoi is so far away from me as a girl, so I really fell in love with the whole Idea quite quickly. I did enjoy a female male realtioship bt I always get uncomforteble if they ever do anything, beside this story. I don't know but it realy feel refreshing. I just have so easy to imagine mysef as the characters I like and get to invested, so it has been so hard to even explain what I feel and all, So reading your coment is like wow. Hope I make any sense.

    Nekomi-chan March 16, 2020 4:33 pm

    Actually, Shion can also be used as a girl’s name so there is no need for them to search for another more feminine/alt name ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
    If you’ve watched the Higurashi series one of the main characters (one of the twin sisters) is called Sonozaki Shion. Just a fandom fact

    Nekomi-chan March 16, 2020 4:34 pm
    Actually, Shion can also be used as a girl’s name so there is no need for them to search for another more feminine/alt name ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭If you’ve watched the Higurashi series one of the main character... Nekomi-chan


    yaoi_fan March 16, 2020 5:55 pm

    Some people including me Just come for the smut and the tags say yaoi earlier when this was tagged it only said yaoi and gender bender (I think) so yeah

    yaoi_fan March 16, 2020 5:56 pm
    Some people including me Just come for the smut and the tags say yaoi earlier when this was tagged it only said yaoi and gender bender (I think) so yeah yaoi_fan

    But i don’t know why everyone is still sommentimg where’s the yaoi like damn

    Chourfirstchoice March 16, 2020 10:02 pm

    Preach you are so right. Shion even acts like a guy regardless of what body he’s in and fui likes shion regardless of what body he’s in. He’s even said that gender is not a problem. It’s started to get annoying and gross tbh. Plus he’s gonna turn back into a guy anyway

    T-raw March 16, 2020 10:33 pm
    Holy, that how I feel! I feel discugtesd with the thought of having sex myself, even if it would be with someone I love. But Yaoi is so far away from me as a girl, so I really fell in love with the whole Idea q... zaswas15

    Yea I understand exactly! are you a sex-repulsed ace by chance? (you could not be ace but still be sex-repulsed, since asexuality only has to do with sexual attraction)

    I'm the same with romance too, doesn't matter if it's gay/straight or whatever I'll still enjoy it as long as it has a good story. Oh and I also hate stuff with real people, so I have absolutely no interest in actual gay men or fetishizing them

    space_ex March 17, 2020 12:58 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! MeganTheeStallion SLAYS

    i love u regardless. also i love ur username lmao

    space_ex March 17, 2020 1:01 am
    Actually for me I'm ace/asexual (means I don't feel sexual attraction/Im just really uninterested in sex), and for me I just don't like even the option to project myself into the female characters in sexual rel... T-raw

    that makes sense !! personally, i get fetishized/hit on a lot and i HATE it, so in straight romances there tends to be this predatory vibe that honestly makes me squirm lmao. so i get u !!! do you think that you'll continue to read this manga, even tho it looks to continue to have shion in a female's body for the majority?

    space_ex March 17, 2020 1:03 am
    I mean I somewhat disagree. I still agree with you on the fact that Shion is still a guy through and through. That’s a no brainer, and yaoi IS fetishized. But here’s the thing is that yaoi is supposed to be... Keychan

    yes valid !! tbh i get that lol. sometimes i read manga just to uh..... u know uh.... vibe check. but i usually get really invested in the plot personally and i can no longer vibe check bc i care for their Emotions HDSKJLJAS lmao but yeah, i get u. thats a valid point. i think the whole misgendering thing was what really bothered me tbh, and im not a fan of a pure-fetishized perception of most things however i cannot judge ppl who are !! thank u for ur input, it is appreciated !!

    space_ex March 17, 2020 1:08 am
    I don't see a problem with it. If I want to see two fictional boys frick then I'll be shameless and ask where's the yaoi? I'm not into straight sex (that I don't understand myself on) but the comic shows female... @Anonymous

    i think what im most curious on is... in the promo pic, it shows Shion in a female body, and most sexual encounters have been m/f bodies. tbh my comment was more aimed towards the gender identity topic of Shion, bc it's already "yaoi" because they're both dudes, so i think personally the assumption that it's an entirely straight piece of fiction kinda ticked me off. im pretty sure everyone on this site has enjoyed their full of guys SMASHIN so i promise u im not trying to play saint its just... this manga is already very mlm. and also if the physical bodies are bothering ppl then.... go to any other manga on this site, the majority have mlm content where both guys have dicks, u know?

    space_ex March 17, 2020 1:30 am
    Actually, Shion can also be used as a girl’s name so there is no need for them to search for another more feminine/alt name ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭If you’ve watched the Higurashi series one of the main character... Nekomi-chan

    i thought Shion was a gender neutral name !! thank u for confirming <3 they also used male pronouns in the chapter, so that's what im going off of, and the author could have gone the route of "oh we need a name for u as a girl vs u as a guy" to differentiate them but the author is just like "this is shion sometimes he have a dick sometimes he dont but at all times he a fool" and i Respect that

    space_ex March 17, 2020 1:31 am
    But i don’t know why everyone is still sommentimg where’s the yaoi like damn yaoi_fan

    yes honestly sometimes i just wann see dudes Smash and this is questionable in the yaoi tag tbh but the plots good guys lets just vibe :(

    space_ex March 17, 2020 1:32 am
    Preach you are so right. Shion even acts like a guy regardless of what body he’s in and fui likes shion regardless of what body he’s in. He’s even said that gender is not a problem. It’s started to get ... Chourfirstchoice

    yes !!! exactly !!

    T-raw March 17, 2020 1:37 am
    that makes sense !! personally, i get fetishized/hit on a lot and i HATE it, so in straight romances there tends to be this predatory vibe that honestly makes me squirm lmao. so i get u !!! do you think that yo... space_ex

    I do like the story and it seems quite interesting, so imma continue with it. For me reading stories about men is just a preference so I'll read stories about straight couples but it almost never for the sex/smut, I usually just skim over those.

    and yea I have had my fair share of unwanted attention too, even when I told a person I wasn't interested in that stuff they suggested I "experiment" with them to see if I would actually enjoy it... yikes. So I NEVER condone people bother/fetishize others in the real world, keep it purely fiction.

    space_ex March 17, 2020 1:55 am
    I do like the story and it seems quite interesting, so imma continue with it. For me reading stories about men is just a preference so I'll read stories about straight couples but it almost never for the sex/sm... T-raw

    ive tried to read stories about straight couples but then the girl looks/acts like a kid and the dude looks old asf and also the plots dry and i..... simply exit the building LMAO at least here Shion is still like all puffy and prideful as a guy and as a girl, and the fact that he's all blushy and does the whole "im not turned on !!! dick is soft !!" while hes very much turned on and his dick is not at all soft regardless of the physical gender... the TASTE

    yeah, in fiction i can tolerate it a little more, like the troupe of drunkenly sleeping with someone or coming ono someone more aggressively than i could ever imagine irl... it adds SPICE to the stories. but yeah, keep it fictional lol.

    Keychan March 17, 2020 2:41 am
    yes valid !! tbh i get that lol. sometimes i read manga just to uh..... u know uh.... vibe check. but i usually get really invested in the plot personally and i can no longer vibe check bc i care for their Emot... space_ex

    I also get what you mean about being emotionally invested in the characters! And I’m glad you’re chill about (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    space_ex March 17, 2020 3:06 am
    I also get what you mean about being emotionally invested in the characters! And I’m glad you’re chill about (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ Keychan

    yes !! i want to make sure everyone knows they r Valid and i luv everyone regardless <33333

    zaswas15 March 17, 2020 5:04 pm
    Yea I understand exactly! are you a sex-repulsed ace by chance? (you could not be ace but still be sex-repulsed, since asexuality only has to do with sexual attraction) I'm the same with romance too, doesn't ma... T-raw

    Don't know really haven't really you know searched anything up. All I know I that i've never looked at anyone and like fuck, I want to have sex with that person or kiss them and so. I have on the other hand felt attracted not sexually but attracted to hot drawn men, I've come across in different mangas and anime.

space_ex March 14, 2020 11:23 pm

some people believe that the ring is almost like a promise ring, since seonho liked myeongi since HS, he may have gotten a ring to promise his heart to him. And when they finally meet up, neither really verbally admits their feelings. Seongho speaks on Myeongi's behalf and they do it, but never anything romantic. Putting the ring on Myeongi's finger was the closest he could get to actually admitting it. Because he finally had a chance to be with him, Seonho gave his promise visually that way. Myeongi understood the gesture the next day, luckily.

    Luna March 27, 2020 2:00 am

    That is one of the accurate explanation I've read so far.

space_ex March 2, 2020 2:35 pm

i honestly didnt expect to like this as much as i did !! i started bc i was procrastinating, and the first chapter i thought it was very basic and too fluffy. but then after the grandma died, that shot list was done so beautifully... and Taker's relectant admission that he couldn't help.... bro.....

and then the "first" date god that was SO FUNNY lmao one of my issues at the start was that Taker was too cool and aloof, he was almost too perfect and unrelatable. But when the author started showing his inner monologue and how he's constantly like "WHAT does this mean PLEASE i am simply GAY and CONFUSED!!" lmao, it made it so funny to tie those inner thoughts with such a cool looking dude.

my fave shot out of all was when Suho came back from the bathroom when they were drinking and he looked SO MAD and looked down his nose at Taker but he says "so handsome..." like hes MAD at him for it fhdjsakl i love it

im gonna continue on lehzin, because we should support the artists !!!

    bolpopa March 2, 2020 4:00 pm

    sorry meant to upvote :((

space_ex March 1, 2020 12:17 am

im convinced that Rui has liked Shion since middle school. like deadass he's always around him, wants to have sex with him (both in groups and alone), and was WAYYY too chill with jacking off with him lmao
i hope we get a flashback from Rui's perspective where he's like "you goddamn dumbass, i've like u since we were kiddos. i literally smash girls to see if u get jealous. pls bro"
and i think shion is into girls but exclusively into Rui for guys

    space_ex March 1, 2020 1:27 pm


    like shion was even like "bro what the fuck" and rui just rushed over it LMAO

space_ex February 26, 2020 5:49 pm

i like how everyone is on the same page of being like "oh.... oh?"

this chapter literally went from sudden brother trying to socially kill this adopted kid, to the childhood best friend running in and biting (NONCONSENSUALLY!) him, essentially marrying (???) him in front of a Live Studio Audience, they smash in a broom closet (?????) and then they just walk to his car (where are the bodyguards he was talking about earlier????) and this RANDOM CHILD comes SCREAMING to kill the MC and his childhood-friend-turned-stalker-turned-husband (?????????????????) jumps in front of he blade even tho the kid was deadass ten feet away like he couldve just.... side stepped? mayhaps just kicked the kid bc he's like half his size ??? but no he must get stabbed ??? i mean mood however


w o r m

    Harukka February 27, 2020 1:58 am

    Totally agree! This one went from just totally really really wrong to just plain weird! (︶︿︶)

space_ex February 1, 2020 4:32 am


if sanho bites his dick bc gag reflux im going to scream efhdjisako

alternatively..... he has no gag reflux...... we Ascending.....

space_ex January 25, 2020 6:25 pm

only bad bitches stab your abusive boss/ex and sell their sex trafficing rink

(hyungdo u a big big fool for this)

side note: to a minor degree, im a sex worker. The biggest part of the job is making sure that you have a degree of control over the situation. And dont give anyone any private info - note even your name, if possible. So Hyungdo fucked up, but at the same time - his goal wasnt to be a sex worker, it was to change cobra dick lol

idk, im excited to see whats next! I really cant imagine Cobra becoming a good person, but he's prideful enough to save Hyungdo. Honestly, ihope Hyungdo steals all the money and lives in the big city lol

space_ex January 21, 2020 2:37 am

this chapter reminded me of all the times that i would be a lazy, anti-authoritarian teen who skipped class and avoided work at all cost lol.... i definitely had times where i would be places a high schooler shouldn't be (usually a roof with access only by climbing) with a friend, only to have a janitor yell "HEY!!!" and me and my pal(s) will just have to scramble away and SPRINT !!!
sometimes we would even stuff our jackets into our bags so no one would recognize us lol. idk, good memories !!
(im still only 19, but i live on my own so it feels like 800 years ago even though it was only 2 years ago.... that distance will only grow, though. If you're still in that time - seize hold of it. It might not be the height of your life, but there's a beautiful kind of freedom you have)

    Bobbington January 21, 2020 3:44 am

    My mom worked at my high school. So even if I had a rebellious bone in my body, I wouldn't be able to get away with anything xD
    I wish I had been a little more of a risk-taker, but I'm pretty naive so I'm not sure I'd be safe. It's never too late to be a little wild.

space_ex January 14, 2020 6:05 am

on god if my S.O deadass started talking about seeing fireflies and passing out the whole town helping me bring them to the nearest neurologist. we spirit babes? we going to the spirit-ologist. on sight we heading out lmao.

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