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Fishmam created a topic of Stand by me, Darling!

I forgor...*taps ch1*....nvm, I don't forgor


I guess he's looking like a snack, literally ☠

Fishmam created a topic of Over Run

The style looks cute but I think some may confuse the usage of 3D models or assets as AI. The military body gear + gun seem to be 3D assets. Everything else is drawn fine ^^.

Fishmam created a topic of Codename Anastasia

I can't get over that the art style reminds me of Koolean and I'm not sure how to feel about it . I want to read this but like...idk

Fishmam created a topic of The Origin of Species

Mans body is wider than my future

Fishmam created a topic of The Path Of Star

I think the pink progressed a lot around ch41

Fishmam created a topic of Can't get Caught! XXX

He gets folded like a turkey sandwich

Fishmam created a topic of Happy End no Kyuseishu



Hehehe, Mc is a lot cuter in the novel ^°^!

Fishmam created a topic of Little Mushroom

Would highly recommend to buy the books if you're interested in reading the novel. There are two volumes and are available for purchase as etext or paperback on sites. As for reading it for free, you might be able to find some though I'm not too entirely sure. I've read the translations a while back but they are now purged so...good luck to you if you're looking for em >///<