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gay porn books yay did ( All 1 )

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gay porn books yay's answer ( All 2 )

AGE: 16 GENDER/SEX: female SEXUALITY: i think im bi, idk i definitely like girls ┗( T﹏T )┛ COUNTRY: usa FIRST YAOI: blood bank FAV YAOI GENRE: hmm i like webtoons and school life i guess FAV YAOI: bj alex maybe WORST YAOI: not sure WHEN DID YOU START READING YAOI?: 2016 WHAT GOT YOU INTO YAOI?: no one in particular i started reading gay fa......   reply
13 05,2018
im 16, female, a closeted weeb, also a closeted bisexual, i only read yaoi and mayeb yuri sometimes, im white, im in high school (and thriving, only with my grades, not the whole friend thing), i have maybe 5 close friends, im from the us and my first language is english, my second is spanish, i really enjoy math class, i like to paint, watch youtu......   reply
17 03,2018

gay porn books yay's question ( All 0 )

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