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noirs's experience ( All 0 )

noirs's answer ( All 3 )

I'm bisexual and I think I always knew it? and seems like everyone else knew too, cuz like, when I told my mom she said "I already know, but thanks for telling me". I'm really grateful to my friends who helped me out   1 reply
29 06,2019
about have sex
when i was younger and did it for the first time i felt so guilty that i prayed after, but i did it again next day and the next one, until now   2 reply
05 12,2018
I need to know that too, I love werewolfs, but omegaverse its not my type   reply
25 02,2018

noirs's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did being in a wlw relationship

Now I'm a Man

12 hours
want to do being in a wlw relationship

one day mabye. i dont mind if i stayed single, but i wouldnt mind being in a realtionship.

14 hours
did being in a wlw relationship

Lmao, trauma. It took me 2 years to recover from that shit-

14 hours