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Bununy June 30, 2021 4:04 am

So I know age gap is a big thing with this manga. The age of adulthood and maturity is different in most countries. She technically wont be a legal adult until shes 20. In America yes that's 18 and I believe there are some countries where she might be recognized already as an adult? Not gonna lie I dont know every age of adulthood for every country. But to be honest I dont think this manga is going to do any sexy stuff or even allude to it until the character is 20. The 29 year seems pretty reliable not to take advantage and generally he seems pretty wholesome. I definitely dont see him using his age as a type of authority or coercion over which I know is a big reason people are against age gaps. There is a power imbalance that is common with age gaps, income gaps, social status etc. But generally in this situation with the parents permission and the general attitude of the main protagonists I don't think that will be a real issue.

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