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Mistress created a topic of The Hunter's one night

Na, this had potentials!!! It's so good! Love the art too and the plot- the whole Hunters thing, how people started adopting kids-- would've been so good like Solo levelling kinda thing but not comparing it to Solo Leveling by any chance but... You get what I mean.

I wish it had more chapters and had dragged on like good bromance! Damn!

Mistress created a topic of Dear Benjamin

I blame myself. Shouldn't have started it without checking the notice! Fuck! It's a very good book I'm pained yo!

Mistress created a topic of Instant Family

Dude wtf! He was only a kid! They were going to use a kid to commit murder!

Mistress created a topic of The Tosa's Master

Yo! I wanted this to be a little longer! Just when I was starting to enjoy it, "The End"

Mistress created a topic of Triangle lovers

I wish the pink haired was the bottom.

Mistress created a topic of Reunion

The sex scene!!! Y'all, it really was worth the wait! The art is arting!! The stare, the kisses-- I literally felt their LOVE MAKING! HOMAGOD

Mistress created a topic of Sugar Rain

The art is just... It's really good but it's... I dunno how to say it. I like the art, if the artist can just... Turn it down a bit. ML looks like a monster and their sex scene is more scary than anything

Mistress created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

Damn! I wanna know what happens next!! Who's "All"? Who's "you all?" Talk to me!!!

Mistress created a topic of Camping
Mistress created a topic of Betting on You

Anyone!!!! If you find anything similar to this please recommend this was wholesome and mature! So beautiful!

Mistress created a topic of Selena

Okay!!!! Before I start, is it worth it???

Mistress created a topic of Waterside Night

I don't understand what just happened... Some chapters are missing

Mistress created a topic of Gig of the Day

Naaaa, I like MC so much! He's so freaking honest and innocent.

Mistress created a topic of Steel Under Silk

He's fallen for Yeonjoo already and now wants to delude himself into trusting him. Uke is so gonna enjoy his revenge but I think Uke likes him already

Mistress created a topic of Miscreants And Mayhem

Was that Uncle pimping Pil-gyun out??? Wtf!!!

Mistress created a topic of Cry Me a River
Mistress created a topic of Instant Family

Can't wait for the next chapter. I love the two of em!

Mistress created a topic of Dark Fall

Na, if Leon ends up with Mephisto or Nergrel, it'll be trash. Literally rape, I don't care how you put it! He should end up with none of em! I hate em all!

Mistress created a topic of Sunshine Shower

I can't read this. I don't like how MC disrespected himself so much to sleep with ML even after his feelings were disregarded.