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I'm sorry but this started really well and it just went down the drain. I hated how Jigeon treated His brother like they weren't even close.
He's too manipulative and while I thought he was mature, he was actually the immature one. My goodness! I hate how their relationship deteriorated in the middle, I couldn't even read it all, I had to skip from forty something to the end. A beautiful idea with the rings and all but the characters just went south.

Mistress created a topic of Miscreants And Mayhem

Bang to who? Yo! Don't play with me like that!

Mistress created a topic of Beyond Memories

Bruh, Ido is a strange one. He knows Uke so damn well, it's creeping me out but he's so supportive and gentle
If Uke steals from him, I don't blame him. It's not easy to recover from abuse and manipulation

Mistress created a topic of Gig of the Day

I waited for this update and it's so worth it!!

Mistress created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

Yo! When is this coming out??

Mistress created a topic of Even If You Don't Love Me

Ohmygod! These two are crazy. MC needs to jump into the sea and just drown

Mistress created a topic of Steel Under Silk

He's gotten soft and MC may get swayed! Let's remember, you guys!! We're here for revenge and some fwop fwop but revenge still!!

Mistress created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

Ohmygoodness! It had me on a chokehold

Mistress created a topic of Roses and Champagne

Yo! I knew Ceaser was crazy but this dude is batshit crazy!!

Mistress created a topic of My Bias Appeared?!

This is so cute and straight forward. I enjoyed the chasing arc too. Also, I like Jooha and I like how the author didn't complicate any relationship. How cute!

Mistress created a topic of Cry Me a River

Oh no! Please don't misunderstand

I'm sorry but like... Woon won is such a gem! This man must be protected at all times! I love how he's so understanding and gentle with Uke. I hope they talk it out soon

Mistress created a topic of Touch Up

I still don't know how I feel about this one. Imma keep reading to find out

Mistress created a topic of Dark Fall

Wow! Trash!!! I'm sick and tired of the rape scenes already! I wish the plot would move faster at this point! All of em are fucking red!!!!

Mistress created a topic of Gig of the Day

I keep coming back to check this. When is it getting updated? I love this book so much

Mistress created a topic of The Hunter's one night

Na, this had potentials!!! It's so good! Love the art too and the plot- the whole Hunters thing, how people started adopting kids-- would've been so good like Solo levelling kinda thing but not comparing it to Solo Leveling by any chance but... You get what I mean.

I wish it had more chapters and had dragged on like good bromance! Damn!

Mistress created a topic of Dear Benjamin

I blame myself. Shouldn't have started it without checking the notice! Fuck! It's a very good book I'm pained yo!

Mistress created a topic of Instant Family

Dude wtf! He was only a kid! They were going to use a kid to commit murder!

Mistress created a topic of The Tosa's Master

Yo! I wanted this to be a little longer! Just when I was starting to enjoy it, "The End"

Mistress created a topic of Triangle lovers

I wish the pink haired was the bottom.