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PalavaSohva created a topic of Juyeon’s Jinx

Hmmmm... The ending felt really rushed tho. they could have done a bit more chapters of them in uni or smth. Like that's it?

PalavaSohva created a topic of Liveta

Am I the only one who dislikes Victor's new design?
Like his design fit the character so much more at the beginning.... Now he's the victim of the same old twinkification and it's honestly so annoying!!! This seems to happen in almost every other BL!

And his personality also feels all pathetic compared to what we were first introduced with. Like not every botton needs to be turned into a crybaby/uwu/embarrassed all the time/cutesy soyboy! Like it's not that bad yet but he had that cool charismatic vibe to him at the beginning and it was just flushed down the toilet

Some of you are questioning him letting "some random man" watch over his kids at the bath house and I kind of get what you mean.
Tho I think it's important to remember that being naked when bathing like this with people of the same sex or kids isn't seen as such a taboo in othe countries.

For example in Finland it's seen as completely normal to go to sauna or to shower full naked with people of the same sex and little kids no matter what gender. Form what I've seen I believe the culture in Japan is similar.

And while I think it's kinda weird he trusted some guy he didn't know to watch over the kids, It's not because they were naked.

PalavaSohva created a topic of True Education

I think they could have still kept the racism story by changing it. I think it would've been good to have one story touch on racism.

E.g. thy could have well flipped the thing, focusing on the racism non Koreans, especially black people, experience in Korea. It would've been satisfying to see them beat up some racists (Daniel doesn't like physical violence we stil have our black haired MC!)

Tho seeing how things went, the creators clearly didn't know what they were doing, and likely still don't. So even tho I would've wanted to see at least one chapter on racism they're probably not qualified to do that...

PalavaSohva created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

Shouldn't laugh but yk

PalavaSohva created a topic of True Education

Okay so the "racism story" is being remade, right?
And that's for the obvious reason of being racist cause the creators didn't actually understand enough about the subject matter. We're probably supposed to forget the whole scratched ch.125 now, right? As in it never canonically happened.

PalavaSohva created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

I swear this flashback is getting more and more ridiculous
I wish we could just get back to the main story already. Like let's wrap this backstory up already plz!

Finnish leipäjuusto mentioned??!! Okay like thank you very much the cultural representation!!!


PalavaSohva created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

This relationship dynamic is so fucked up

PalavaSohva created a topic of Turning

I think someone should add the "omegaverse" tag cause they did mention they have something similar in this universe for the people with powers

Edit: Also like it'd be a good warning! (omegaverse is really not my thing) I'd like to be informed about what I'm about to start reading
I don't want this type of shit coming out of nowhere!!!

PalavaSohva created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

I'm dead
This is seriously getting out of hand now... When that sprung up like a spirng I couldn't control my laughter I was so shocked
Hyo-Un pull yourself together for god's sake!

PalavaSohva created a topic of 19 Days

Omg the heart eyes!!!

PalavaSohva created a topic of Admiration and Longing

This is getting too wild of me now! Why would someone ever want to write or draw this? Like who's bright idea was it to bring this to life

Also I don't want to judge free translations but I seriously can't understand half the things said. I'm going purely on context clues and pictues...

PalavaSohva created a topic of Mr. 100% Perfect

Sad to see the story end! I really enjoyed reading it for the past few years w/ all of you... But! All good thing come to and end. Let's all give a round of applause to this amazing comic! I can't wait to see what the author's next work will be like tho!

I tried googling it and found nothing ┐(´ー`)┌