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Kirari~☆ created a topic of Love Interest Zone

But why is it called the "Fall" National Competition when it's held in summer?? (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

Kirari~☆ created a topic of ENNEAD

I was skimming through some Egyptian mythologh texts and fell upon a paragraph that has mention of Anat and Astarte, two Phoenician goddesses. This made me consider: what if the foreign god is not Roman or Greek but Phoenician instead? Taking into consideration the civilizations' timeline and influence on one another, I guess that would be likely no?
However I am sure that after all this buildup for his identity reveal, him turning out to be a less-known Phoenician god would be dull in comparison to him turning out to be a Greek or a Roman god..

Kirari~☆ created a topic of Jinx

So my theory is that Jumin's team would give Dan a double or triple salary offer for him to switch teams, which of course he would refuse. Then his grandma dies, but Jaekyung unaware of what is going on with him lately keeps being the asshole he is to a point where Dan snaps and quits and tells him that he's accepting Jumin's team's offer.
Which marks the beginning of the fall for Jaekyung, losing his match against Jumin first and then being unable to find a suitable sex partner for his jinx...

My reasoning is as follows: that mafia thingy wanna fuck Jaekyung over and noticed the importance of Dan in his life but that doesn't mean that they'll abduct Dan... they could simply make him leave Jaekyung's side for extra emotional damage instead!

Kirari~☆ created a topic of A Trace of the Wonder

So did Yiseon tell everything that happened in the 2nd great dungeon to the Hunters Association? Including what really happened to his friends and how he zombified them?

Kirari~☆ created a topic of PASSION

Tbh I enjoyed this little bit in the novel more. I was looking forward to read/see the phone convo between Kyle and Ilay as a webtoon as well as the convo between Maurer and Kyle. I found both super entertaining and lowkey hilarious. I hope they go back to showing them even as a flashback ╥﹏╥
That aside, Maurer did snitch but hey he was trying to save Taeui's ass in the process.. or not?

Kirari~☆ created a topic of PASSION

Everyone panicking as if Ilay answering Tae's untraceable phone call means he's been caught

Kirari~☆ created a topic of Sunshine Shower

Is it just me or is the ML's girlfriend a spitting image of MC?