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mayachan1 April 22, 2024 9:39 pm

This is so good, I love the FL

mayachan1 July 28, 2023 3:15 pm

What is wrong lately with these translators drama??? Man you are not the protagonist, if you don’t want to keep uploading the manga it’s ok. Really it’s not that deep

    gojorider July 28, 2023 3:50 pm

    fr like i agree it’s not cool to harass uploader over quick updates but some of them really take everything too deep, the notice says the harasser were in their inbox so it’s clearly not the ones in the comments so what we supposed to do with this notice? try and find them harassers who harassed them and bully them it’s not like they gonna pick up the manga again anyways if we did so what was the point could’ve gone away without making a huge deal…there too much shit going on uploaders fighting over the same manga claiming it as theirs, some uploaders won’t post but don’t let others to take up the manga posting notice after notice creating drama like they really be out here acting like it’s the end of the world like brudha it ain’t that deep now hopefully some kind Soul pick up the manga or we wait for it to get an official release

    frog_mcgee July 28, 2023 4:23 pm
    fr like i agree it’s not cool to harass uploader over quick updates but some of them really take everything too deep, the notice says the harasser were in their inbox so it’s clearly not the ones in the co... gojorider

    christ. Put yourself in Jia's shoes. How'd you feel if you're being treated like shit even though you're providing them something that they want out of the goodness of your heart? These notices are provided for us to be given closure as to why they're dropping it. Be grateful that they still told us they were dropping so that someone else can pick it up. Remember that you're on an illegal site. Choosers can't be beggars.

    frog_mcgee July 28, 2023 4:24 pm
    fr like i agree it’s not cool to harass uploader over quick updates but some of them really take everything too deep, the notice says the harasser were in their inbox so it’s clearly not the ones in the co... gojorider

    christ. Put yourself in Jia's shoes. How'd you feel if you're being treated like shit even though you're providing them something that they want out of the goodness of your heart? These notices are provided for us to be given closure as to why they're dropping it. Be grateful that they still told us they were dropping so that someone else can pick it up. Remember that you're on an illegal site. Beggars can't be choosers.

    gojorider July 28, 2023 5:09 pm
    christ. Put yourself in Jia's shoes. How'd you feel if you're being treated like shit even though you're providing them something that they want out of the goodness of your heart? These notices are provided for... frog_mcgee

    ian knwo no jia personally im thankful for their hardwork till now but beyond that idc and if it was me I’d drop a notice im dropping instead of making a huge deal talkin about those harassment knowing full well they’re in my inbox and not in the comments so what would be the point to address the issue beside creating drama and getting sympathy you get me..

    noname_akihiro July 28, 2023 6:30 pm
    fr like i agree it’s not cool to harass uploader over quick updates but some of them really take everything too deep, the notice says the harasser were in their inbox so it’s clearly not the ones in the co... gojorider

    Look. Jia WAS the kind soul who picked it up. Until some stupid people who can’t wait decided to harass her for the chapters as if harassing her would help her upload faster.

    These translators aren’t being paid. Gratefulness and being patient would help A LOT. But no, people like you who don’t understand enable harassers to continue their trash behavior.

    This whole site is illegal and runs on fandom generosity. Generosity from translators who wanna share manga and manhwa to ungrateful people like yourself who can’t afford to buy all of mangas listed here.

    Be grateful for once in your life, brat

    Kenma’s_Btch July 28, 2023 9:01 pm

    ig you’re one of those btches who’s giving her nasty comments yet you’re here in this site lmao. Pathetic.

    gojorider July 29, 2023 2:33 am
    Look. Jia WAS the kind soul who picked it up. Until some stupid people who can’t wait decided to harass her for the chapters as if harassing her would help her upload faster. These translators aren’t being ... noname_akihiro

    I literally said im thankful for the work they did till now I just asked a legit question they couldve dipped out saying they aint gonna update no more, instead of complaining about shit that clearly the commenters have no control over making a drama and gaining sympathy like thats gonna change anything anyways lol how is that enabling harassers yall be saying anything just to say anything

    むらさきーちゃん July 29, 2023 3:33 am

    i thought a bit about what you said and there is this special chapter in the manga JINX where the translator BREAD took a screenshot of it and address the same situation. they were basically only two messages and they said: hey can u pls upload and can u plis stop uploads and give it to some on? smt like that you guys can see it. i think he has all the right to be mad and upset and give the screens and say pls don't do this this is not a good behavior OF COURSE.

    sooo... he did it in a really chill and good way he gave the message and the profile so ppl like that can be expose but he didn't call it HARASSMENT
    HEY I JUST DON'T KNOW ok.. but what are we calling harassment in the first place 30 messages a day about upload??? or just 2 to 5 ppl. saying short stuff like that... is not that bad is that the case.... BUT HEYYYY HEYYY... i just really thought about what you said..

    mayachan1 July 29, 2023 6:32 am
    ig you’re one of those btches who’s giving her nasty comments yet you’re here in this site lmao. Pathetic. Kenma’s_Btch

    Do you really think I have the time to be doing that shit????

    mayachan1 July 29, 2023 6:34 am
    ig you’re one of those btches who’s giving her nasty comments yet you’re here in this site lmao. Pathetic. Kenma’s_Btch

    Cant wait for you all to grow up and understand that it’s just a manga, it’s not that deep.

    Kenma’s_Btch July 29, 2023 7:19 am
    Cant wait for you all to grow up and understand that it’s just a manga, it’s not that deep. mayachan1

    How ungrateful, translators are not paid to do this yet they still do it anyways so people who can’t afford to read in legal site, can read. It wouldn’t hurt not to be an asshole isn’t it? When you’re also reading it here. So much for being mean yet u can’t even read it in a legal site. Such a hypocrite.

    Kenma’s_Btch July 29, 2023 7:20 am
    Cant wait for you all to grow up and understand that it’s just a manga, it’s not that deep. mayachan1

    Yeah it’s just a manga, then can you do those efforts and translate it for us then? So much for being a btch yet also an illegal reader. Lmao.

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