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YaoiAngel16 January 28, 2024 12:38 pm

Historical manga likes to be tragic and break the heart of the readers. I can't take that.

YaoiAngel16 January 10, 2024 12:37 pm

Bro about to beat yo ass. I hope someone is ready to go to jail.

YaoiAngel16 December 23, 2023 4:39 am

Ofc this incident was Ian's fault. Now Noah is tied down to this crazy guy that didn't even know the full story before he started trying to lay up again. And for people saying Noah is wrong for hiding the child is loco. Ian obviously doesn't care about people's boundaries and hates omega. He literally drugged and kidnapped Noah. Love the idea behind Omegaverse but it likes to sugarcoat rape with all the pheromone talk but we know.

    AWinterWonderLand December 23, 2023 7:44 am

    It's precisely bcz of the pheromones that they had BECOME entangled though.

    Without it, they wouldn't have mated. It wasn't like Ian had WANTED to mark an omega and to knock him up. Hilarious. Blaming Ian for his alpha instincts is r-id-i-c-u-l-o-u-s. His wanting to bury his nose in an omega's clavicle to sniff his scent is but a natural instinct. Turning on an omega during his heat is natural.

    Noah was AFRAID of Ian all by HIMSELF. IF HE HADN'T BEEN SO HELL-BENT on keeping the child to HIMSELF then he would not have been saddled with the fear that their child could be taken from him. And it's high time Ian went to find his mate.

    It's funny you think Noah is stuck to Ian when Noah had LITERALLY, in-his-head-during their MUTUAL rutting, wished that he is Ian's OMEGA. While Ian, at the time, had not wanted a serious relationship, and HADN'T FELT THE-SAME-WAY. Why would he be HAPPY to have been tied down to some omega who had "snuck in" while he was in rut, mated with him, and then had ran away??? If he didn't WANT to be involved with an omega/s, he now, against his will, had been mate-bonded for LIFE. If we're going to "argue rape from pheromones" then, as nature dictates, THAT is what they shall be doing for the REST of their lives, as alphas and omegas.

    Sure, you can say Ian had kidnapped Noah and their child, but, at the same time, if he hadn't strong-armed Noah into coming with him, Noah would have resisted anyways and the struggle would have just prolonged the interogation process. He wasn't a bastard who had induced Noah into heat in the middle of the streets. Kidnapping NOAH is one thing, because he had come for Noah, because they have been mate-bonded for life. But saying he had kidnapped the child is's THEIR child, so if Noah had had him for four years, while Ian had been deprived of their child, why can't Ian have him too. Sure, he hadn't wanted a child at the time, nor his mate-bond, but Noah had expressed his desire to be Ian's mate, and having that child probably had made him HAPPY. Since he views that Ian doesn't like omegas, and Ian had had no interest in him, he had left (well, he had to go back home anyways) but then the decision to keep-the-child-to-himself didn't make sense, as the child is both of their child. If he had JUST wanted the child, he could have JUST taken the child. Why involve Noah at all??? But yes, it's high time he came looking for Noah. If he wanted kids, or in this case, more kids, since SiYeon had already been born, then he would HAVE to tie Noah down too. You seem to forget, that Ian has been tied down AGAINST his will. So whether he likes omegas or not it doesn't matter at this point. If Ian had been one those REALLY vindictive alphas, he could EASILY have tracked his mate and torture him. And didn't because he obviously hadn't a need to. But it's high time he has kids, so it's normal to look for his mate, who had ran away. If you look at it from a different p.o.v., when you pull back and take a good look at the picture, what IF he had hated the mate bond, didn't LIKE Noah, or had hated Noah, then ofc it's possible that he could be resentful of this involuntary bond. What IF Ian had wanted to remain single all of his life?!? (Then I guess that would make this a non-problem. Or had not wanted kids?!?) But WHAT IF he had found someone he likes?!? But now he's stuck with this mate-bond AND cannot have kids with this other omega...WHAT THEN?!?

    I also don't know HOW the mate-bond had affected his sex-life. Had he been celibate all this time?!? Or had he been able to still have sex to relieve his sexual urges?!? In the past, it looks as if he just bears his ruts alone. But if he had just wanted sex in general and somehow the mate-bond hampers this. As a young and virile alpha, this would have been very problematic.

    At the time they had forged this unintentional mate-bond, both had been in college and thus are young adults who hadn't thought to settle down. Well, maybe for Noah, but certainly not for Ian. So Ian was the one that had been tied down, not Noah. He has lost BOTH the privilege of being able to CHOOSE his mate as well the TIMING of his mating bond, should he at some point in life as an alpha be desirous of being a father, and a partner for life with SOMEONE of his OWN choosing.

    As for Noah, the mate-bond WASN'T against his will, I mean, the SEX was, but If we're gonna argue that, then it's against BOTH of their wills, their WILLS having been thwarted by the nature of their animalistic sexual desires to mate and to form a bond, and thus to bear a child. The DIFFERENCE in this unwilling sexual encounter is that Noah was desirous of a relationship with Ian. Sure, he hadn't wanted sex probably because he didn't wanted to get entangled with Ian in a physical relationship anymore. If he has never seen an alpha in rut (meaning they're so horny for sex that they don't know anything anymore & they can't hear you say no) then it makes sense he didn't know how to act. And Ian had been so high off of his rockers to even KNOW WHO was in front of him... Ian's pheromones, while as an alpha IN RUT, is SUPPOSED to be an attractive scent for his mate, but is instead actually repelling omegas, his way of protecting himself by exuding a scent of "utter desolation". Furthermore, here-to-fore, both had only known Noah to be a beta. It's not like either of them had known that a beta could be turned or that he had been a hyperreccesive who hadn't shown any traits whatsoever. Honestly, I don't even KNOW WHAT kind of convo they would have had if Noah had just turned up and wanted to meet, if Ian had been lucid and in control of his instincts. It would have probably been some awkward convo.

    GXypher December 23, 2023 9:20 am
    It's precisely bcz of the pheromones that they had BECOME entangled though. Without it, they wouldn't have mated. It wasn't like Ian had WANTED to mark an omega and to knock him up. Hilarious. Blaming Ian for h... AWinterWonderLand

    bro, can i copy your comment? damn, it's very informative plus you've analyzed it so clearly.

    AWinterWonderLand December 23, 2023 10:05 am
    bro, can i copy your comment? damn, it's very informative plus you've analyzed it so clearly. GXypher

    Omg. Hi @GXypher. Hahaha. I'm so glad you see it that way too. I'm just getting Sooo Much HaTe for this. So just proceed at your own precaution. Hahaha. Yes. And I'm glad you like my analysis ε> (ノ≧∇≦)ノ ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭.

    Yes, I spent a lot of time analyzing it, cuz it's JUST SO SIMPLE just to SEE it at face value, and throw Ian under the bus, when obviously the comic has laid it out for us the PREMISE that this omegaverse views omegas and alphas as literal animals. And that they SIMPLY CANNOT ESCAPE their fate!!! I've done similar analyses in the past, but while SOME of my original hypotheses had been incorrect they, for the most part, remain true. PLUS, the added information I have here, or ANY of my previous arguments that had taken on new info, has actually RESULTED from my arguments with others. They CAME to me DURING & AFTER an argument/s. It's FUNNY that AFTER I had argued with ALL those ppl that had disagreed with me, that I had an even greater CLARITY of Ian's sitch. It's FUNNY how you flesh out your theories and analyses AFTER an argument. It makes you THINK further.

    If you have time on your hand you can make the comparison between my previous posts and this one. Unfortunately, nobody wants to read it (not all, just some), and ARE SO ENTRENCHED in their views they can't even OPEN UP their minds to OTHER VIEWS. Called me names and that's the BEST they can do. Smh.

    Some of my rebuttals and theories/discussions are under other ppl's threads, so the progression of my argument gets weaved around their threads and my own posts. So I didn't just sit there and stew in my OWN OPINION. Things develop down the line, and I incorporated it, into a MORE coherent essay here. But like I said, the more I argue, the more I see. And so the progression WASN'T JUST through my posts alone but throughout the interactions with other ppl, who have different view points. So it becomes more CLEAR the more we know of the story and how our viewpoint changes over time depending on the information. Nothing is concrete.

    Plus, when I'm calmer I can sit down to write a more coherent essay, rather than just being reactive and not being able to get my points clearly across :)

    GXypher December 23, 2023 11:36 am
    Omg. Hi @GXypher. Hahaha. I'm so glad you see it that way too. I'm just getting Sooo Much HaTe for this. So just proceed at your own precaution. Hahaha. Yes. And I'm glad you like my analysis ε> (ノ≧�... AWinterWonderLand

    Please teach me your ways lol. I just can't be bothered to reply to some arguments/discussions and just let them be since I can understand that we have different views. "If that's what they think then so be it", that's what I think whenever I feel exhausted with them. anywayyy I totally can relate and understand your statement fr

    thisislele December 23, 2023 7:50 pm

    you’re absolutely right and yet you get nonsensical replies

    thisislele December 23, 2023 7:56 pm

    it’s just crazy how hard people try to victim blame noah for everything and justify ian kidnapping noah and his child. they claim they know all about pheremones but thinks that their rutting was mutual and the intoxication of noah’s pheromones had nothing to do with it? absolute insanity. i’m so sad for noah being raped by the same person twice and i’m worried for his child.

    GXypher December 23, 2023 11:46 pm
    it’s just crazy how hard people try to victim blame noah for everything and justify ian kidnapping noah and his child. they claim they know all about pheremones but thinks that their rutting was mutual and th... thisislele

    bro, the other guy was literally isn't in his right mind because he was in a rut so he and Noah are both victims in the first situation. But, there was no excuse for the second time haha, damn he should be in jail smh. anyway BL logic is BL logic and we can't do anything about what the authors write

    thisislele December 24, 2023 12:36 am
    bro, the other guy was literally isn't in his right mind because he was in a rut so he and Noah are both victims in the first situation. But, there was no excuse for the second time haha, damn he should be in j... GXypher

    yeah ian was a victim to his rut and noah was a victim to ian. just bc ian couldn’t control himself doesn’t mean he didn’t rape noah. it could have been soooo different if the author didn’t choose to make ian evil afterwards, but oh well that was their decision.

    YaoiAngel16 December 24, 2023 2:42 am
    It's precisely bcz of the pheromones that they had BECOME entangled though. Without it, they wouldn't have mated. It wasn't like Ian had WANTED to mark an omega and to knock him up. Hilarious. Blaming Ian for h... AWinterWonderLand

    I feel like you are the type of person who reads alot of omegaverse. So you also know Ian's type. He kidnapped NOAH, I wasn't even referring to their child. Ian had clearly showed Noah the type of person he was after they technically broke off their situationship and Noah didn't feel safe enough to expose himself as an omega let alone tell Ian they have a child. Also, I was obviously not calling their first mating together as rape, I called the moment Noah was taken against his will aka kidnap and said he did not want to be intimate with Ian. I understand that Noah loves Ian and they are mates, however, he ran away for a reason. That's what I meant by being stuck to Ian. Even if Noah or Ian wanted to move on they couldn't but Noah was making a decent life for him and his son. I called this Ian's fault for going about this like a psycho. It had nothing to do with them being in heat and bonded. They clearly had no control over that. Even then Ian blamed the omega like he had nothing to do with that.

    AWinterWonderLand December 24, 2023 3:11 am
    I feel like you are the type of person who reads alot of omegaverse. So you also know Ian's type. He kidnapped NOAH, I wasn't even referring to their child. Ian had clearly showed Noah the type of person he was... YaoiAngel16

    Yeah. You're much more level headed.

    Still, I don't think Noah has reasons to be afraid of Ian. Unless there is solid proof you cannot say Ian will be a bad father, be a bad partner. I mean, sure, the guy has EVERY RIGHT to be UPSET about having been MATE-bonded against his will. They're both at fault. Nobody is absolved. And yet we make it out to be Noah who's the pitiful one. I don't know yet what drives him to run away. And while Noah loves his child so he provides for him well, the child still belongs to both parents. Until there is proof Ian will be a bad father or an endangerment to their child, of which there has BEEN none, there is NO REASON for Noah to be afraid at all. I mean, even if Ian had gotten upset, then what?!? He COULDN'T have guessed at Ian's intentions (unless there is solid proof) that IF he HAD come forward about it what could have happen. This is ALL Very FILTERED. Through Noah's mind.

    Prior to this scenario, the whole coercion in the first chapter, he and Ian had been purely FWB. Ian hadn't shown to be violent or manipulative, only that he had been uninterested in a romantic relationship. So there has been no reason for Noah to hide. Hiding makes him look guilty, in Ian's eyes. (Ian woke up with the mark and realized he's been mate bonded but not knowing to whom, so of course he'll be upset.) True, it's not Noah's fault, but he's still mate-bonded regardless. So....

    And if you think about it clearly, Noah was the one who had ran away but if you think the flip, Ian could have easily provided for their child. There wouldn't have been unnecessary struggles to make ends meet. ¯¯_(ツ)_/¯¯(°_o)/¯¯_( ° ʖ °)_/¯乁( ⁰ Ĺ ⁰ ) ㄏ

    thisislele December 24, 2023 5:33 am

    “still, i dont think noah has reasons reasons to be afraid of ian” HE WAS RAPED BY IAN. noah is NOT at fault for anything!!! he did absolutely nothing wrong!! IAN forcefully mated noah when he raped him!! mate bonded is also not love. the child does not belong to both parents!! it is a child of rape!! rapists do not have rights over their victim’s child!! your “analysis” is completely devoid of empathy and all you do is victim blame. who’s side do you really think is worse here?? ian can’t get laid but noah was held down forcefully and raped and raising a child on his own, because normal people don’t coparent with their RAPIST.

    thisislele December 24, 2023 5:34 am

    completely lacking logic and understanding of the severity of rape and the affects it has on the victim.

    AWinterWonderLand December 24, 2023 6:59 am

    I'm Sooo done with this topic. Initially thought I was the only one, but more ppl are coming out of the woodwork defending the same thing so there's no point for me to continue this "discussion" that includes name calling and degrading the opposition.

    OopsieDaisy December 24, 2023 11:33 am
    It's precisely bcz of the pheromones that they had BECOME entangled though. Without it, they wouldn't have mated. It wasn't like Ian had WANTED to mark an omega and to knock him up. Hilarious. Blaming Ian for h... AWinterWonderLand

    Hey buddy! Still thriving?
    Nice analysis. I would like to add one more point.
    Noah wasn't satisfied with his Beta status. When they were about to make love for the first time Noah said 'im sorry for being Beta. I wish I could be an Omega ' something along those lines.
    While ML said he don't mind him being a Beta.
    A clear indication that MC wanted a Solid long term , lifetime thing with ML and ML wanted nothing more than a short fling.
    They got intimate pretty soon , Yes they have been friends for a while but intimacy
    period for them was actually short , to think you want to tie someone to yourself for Life in such a short period is a bit disturbing, at least for me .

    Another reason was that Noah wanted Ian to have easy penetration . That's Also Why he wished to be Omega
    Now over to u

    OopsieDaisy December 24, 2023 11:47 am
    yeah ian was a victim to his rut and noah was a victim to ian. just bc ian couldn’t control himself doesn’t mean he didn’t rape noah. it could have been soooo different if the author didn’t choose to ma... thisislele

    A penetrating party is not always the one who intiates Rape. What are you talking about?
    Dude was in between his episode. Firstly Noah shouldn't have entered his house & even if he did, he should have stayed to atleast explain what happened to them.
    Ian was his friend before being fuck buddies , just for the sake of their friendship alone he did deserved to know who he slept with ? And what's present condition is .
    Present fiasco would have been totally avoided by a mere conversation you know .
    If you think closely it's Noah since entering Ian's House has been in dominant position since YEARS !
    He Only sidedly decided to come to his home , he one sidedly left a confused Alpha Alone , he one sidedly kept kid to himself , now he's one sidedly thinking Ian's a monster.
    At hotel Ian didn't even do anything , he just ran to hide his kid . GUILTY CONSCIENCE??????
    If you did nothing wrong , face that Villain confidently. People would support you , law would support you. Why run away ? Huh why ?
    Alsooo last thing , Omegas can wash their Mark he's still keeping his Why do you think ?
    He hates Ian right comeon hate that trashy man all the wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy !!!!!!!

    thisislele December 24, 2023 11:59 am
    A penetrating party is not always the one who intiates Rape. What are you talking about? Dude was in between his episode. Firstly Noah shouldn't have entered his house & even if he did, he should have staye... OopsieDaisy

    true a penetrating party is not always the one who initiates rape, but that’s not what happened. noah didn’t initiate anything, he tried to leave and was physically overpowered. i don’t know any rape victims who would stay with their rapist to explain what happened. not everybody is so easily confident. i would hide my kid from my rapist too. noah did nothing wrong.

    OopsieDaisy December 24, 2023 12:14 pm
    true a penetrating party is not always the one who initiates rape, but that’s not what happened. noah didn’t initiate anything, he tried to leave and was physically overpowered. i don’t know any rape vict... thisislele

    If its rape you talking about then it was two way . Ian to Noah & similarly Noah to Ian . Atleast Noah was in a bit of his mind to have a monologue of wishing to be his only Omega and him being his only Alpha .Later He even washed his bedsheets and cleaned up Ian , so much for a considerate person who just got raped don't you think so ?
    So Ian had any glimpses of it ? Nope . Only thing he was aware of was a freaking wild sex . Nothing else.
    Noah has no special prerogative over kid just because he fed and clothed him. He can't monopolize him in the name of protecting him .
    According to me Ian is childless now , he at the very least deserves few fatherly moments. But Noah wouldn't have followed him voluntarily that's why he used force. What a Fucked up move , now he can totally go to jail.
    Best idea would be to use a Lawyer as mediator. But this plot is garbage so obviously it won't happen.

    AWinterWonderLand December 24, 2023 12:21 pm
    If its rape you talking about then it was two way . Ian to Noah & similarly Noah to Ian . Atleast Noah was in a bit of his mind to have a monologue of wishing to be his only Omega and him being his only Alp... OopsieDaisy

    AWinterWonderLand December 24, 2023 12:32 pm
    If its rape you talking about then it was two way . Ian to Noah & similarly Noah to Ian . Atleast Noah was in a bit of his mind to have a monologue of wishing to be his only Omega and him being his only Alp... OopsieDaisy

    You're right. I'm even MORE generous to Noah than you are. Poor bebe got so mixed up in his head he just wants this illusory & transient relationship. I shouldn't laugh but it's too funny. Poor pathetic Noah. Booohooohoo.

    thisislele December 24, 2023 12:32 pm
    If its rape you talking about then it was two way . Ian to Noah & similarly Noah to Ian . Atleast Noah was in a bit of his mind to have a monologue of wishing to be his only Omega and him being his only Alp... OopsieDaisy

    rape is not a two way thing. noah’s thoughts are only like that bc of pheremones. him cleaning up was weird. ian doesn’t deserve anything with that child, especially if noah, the mother, doesn’t want him to be involved.

    AWinterWonderLand December 24, 2023 12:35 pm
    Hey buddy! Still thriving? Nice analysis. I would like to add one more point. Noah wasn't satisfied with his Beta status. When they were about to make love for the first time Noah said 'im sorry for being Beta.... OopsieDaisy

    I wasn't trying to there, but yeah. He Def wanted to "please his alpha". Not FULLY obsessive. But surely delusional.

    OopsieDaisy December 24, 2023 2:00 pm
    rape is not a two way thing. noah’s thoughts are only like that bc of pheremones. him cleaning up was weird. ian doesn’t deserve anything with that child, especially if noah, the mother, doesn’t want him ... thisislele

    Ahhhh that's not how real world works baby but whatever flies your kite him cleaning up was definitely wierd , mega weird. It would have been more realistic if he just dashed away. Now I totally can't ignore this.
    Second thing is Noah still keeping Ian's mark . I have read many Omegaverses , and in so many of them A Mark could get washed away albeit it's a painful process. But Yes it can get washed away.
    Him still keeping that after so many years means something else you know. Its giving false signals. He can't forget about that night which according to Noah's faction guys saying he got R*aped . First thing a victim does is to destroy anything that reminds them of THAT particular event.
    Now that he's an Omega , atleast now he should know how Alpha's rut work and what's the meaning of marking is . No ? He's not that Gullible Beta anymore.
    Dude can't even accept and can't even let go . What a confused soul he is . Poor sleepy kid getting minced in between all this.

    And Honestly we're fools . You know what would happen , Ian apologizing at chapter 59 and Noah accepting it at chapter 60 . There. Happy ending. Two more kids in side chapters. ☠
    A slap on my face who's supporting Ian a bit , a slap on your face coz your dear Noah accepted it so easily.
    We're using 100% of our brains while Author using 10% by just copy pasting plot from Novelupdates and still milking money while we're getting thumbs muscles and wasting internet.
    Tell me who has more brains ?
    My quota is finished. Gonna rest

    AWinterWonderLand December 24, 2023 2:05 pm
    Ahhhh that's not how real world works baby but whatever flies your kite him cleaning up was definitely wierd , mega weird. It would have been more realistic if he just dashed away. Now I totally can't ignore t... OopsieDaisy

    I am curious though. Most omegaverses have the mark as being indelible.

    If the mark CAN be removed, DOES THAT MEAN THEY'RE NO LONGER MATED?!?

    Or did you mean just the physical APPEARANCE of THE MARK has been erased?!?

    OopsieDaisy December 24, 2023 2:19 pm
    I am curious though. Most omegaverses have the mark as being indelible. If the mark CAN be removed, DOES THAT MEAN THEY'RE NO LONGER MATED?!?Or did you mean just the physical APPEARANCE of THE MARK has been era... AWinterWonderLand

    A mahnwa Alpha predator shows a mark can be washed away . I read the novel so I know coz Omega there did it .
    It is also like this dog blood shittery. But if Author here twisted something to make it more 'blood vomit' plot then I can't help it .
    I apologise to all THAT faction guys in advance for blaming that pitiful thing.

    OopsieDaisy December 24, 2023 2:22 pm
    I am curious though. Most omegaverses have the mark as being indelible. If the mark CAN be removed, DOES THAT MEAN THEY'RE NO LONGER MATED?!?Or did you mean just the physical APPEARANCE of THE MARK has been era... AWinterWonderLand

    Not physical but everything. Then partners can move on to new love interests of their choices.
    Although slight effect lingers but it's not a big of a problem.

    thisislele December 24, 2023 2:34 pm

    big assumption about noah wanting to keep his mark. there is no reason to believe it’s even possible in this author’s universe let alone noah knowing he can. it’s not like he suddenly becomes educated after becoming an omega. it is such a weird and gross assumption to think he wants to keep his mark and he’s glad he was raped. like do you hear yourself?

    AWinterWonderLand December 24, 2023 2:51 pm

    Whoah. Ok. This convo is over. We're not discussing the rape discussion again.


    hangesimp88 December 25, 2023 10:44 pm
    “still, i dont think noah has reasons reasons to be afraid of ian” HE WAS RAPED BY IAN. noah is NOT at fault for anything!!! he did absolutely nothing wrong!! IAN forcefully mated noah when he raped him!! m... thisislele

    YOURE SO REAL FOR THIS AGHHHH istg people r defending ian with “oh he was in rut he couldn’t help it!” IT DOESNT MATTER!!! NOAH WAS OVERPOWERED AGAINST HIS OWN WILL AND WAS RAPED!!!

    AWinterWonderLand December 26, 2023 1:05 am
    YOURE SO REAL FOR THIS AGHHHH istg people r defending ian with “oh he was in rut he couldn’t help it!” IT DOESNT MATTER!!! NOAH WAS OVERPOWERED AGAINST HIS OWN WILL AND WAS RAPED!!! hangesimp88

    Ian was overpowered by his rutting hormones. I'm not sure whose will he was under at THAT moment....

    OopsieDaisy December 26, 2023 5:10 am
    YOURE SO REAL FOR THIS AGHHHH istg people r defending ian with “oh he was in rut he couldn’t help it!” IT DOESNT MATTER!!! NOAH WAS OVERPOWERED AGAINST HIS OWN WILL AND WAS RAPED!!! hangesimp88

    Okay whatever flies your kite .

YaoiAngel16 December 21, 2023 8:05 pm

The dad is a bad criminal. Got the wrong person and went to the wrong place. ( ̄∇ ̄")

YaoiAngel16 December 21, 2023 4:00 am

Now we know why He was being hidden away. Licking the eye ball has to be some new form of cheating.

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