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Over/under on the author having the alpha r@pe the beta again ? I feel like the author is gonna have him confront the beta and just r@pe him bc the alpha showed how even in his dreams the first thing he’d do is r@pe the beta and he’s giving off even worse creepy vibes, and having the alpha be like “woe is me, what did I do to deserve this” as if he isn’t sentient human refuse. I hate it here.

Nickname created a topic of Midnight Dweller

Tv glitch isn’t committed enough, I wanted to see FULL ugly bad cgi twilight baby, honestly disappointed in Korean Edward’s spawn smh

Nickname created a topic of Midnight Dweller

This feels like one of those stories where the author is a straight woman who has never interacted with a gay man or gay couple irl ever

Like queer authors NEVERRRR write such dysfunction and borderline non-con toxic relationships it always makes me so sad that korean authors specifically always think their ‘top’ has to be a walking talking prime example of ‘men who you’d 100% get a restraining order against and fear for your wellbeing irl’

Also, I’m so sorry but mpreg almost always gives me “straight woman who, bc she’s hetero, has this feeling that a baby is the ultimate ending to a romantic coupling so having men able to get pregnant makes the relationship more ‘solid’ and palatable to them” there was NO need to throw a baby into the chaos of this couple’s relationship like I’m so sorry but whhhhyyyyyy

I really want to know what is going on in this author’s mind every week when they decide to reinforce how much the alpha is an unapologetic r@pist.

Like I imagine them sitting in the writers room, looking at the script and thinking “no, I haven’t made absolute sure to remind the readers that the alpha is a sex criminal who will readily repeat his crimes - which he feels absolutely no remorse for - enough yet, let me just add another non-con scene. Wait, something’s off . . . OH YEAH, he hasn’t r@ped the beta in a while, silly me let’s add an explicit r@pe scene in his dreams to show that the alpha is sentient dog water r@pist garbage in every dimension he exists.”

I do think it’s funny that a few readers managed to forget the alpha kidnapped, chained the beta to a bed, r@ped him for marathon week long sec against the beta’s will, and neglected to give him proper medical care, but the author decided “no, I need to remind the readers exactly who the male lead is” and gave him a r@pe fantasy dream. Refresh their memories lmfaoo

This is the end of this week’s vent for real this time, I promise, see yall next week during my cathartic rage-induced vents about this comic <3 peace and love (unless ur the author, bc you don’t deserve restful dreams this week for ur current crimes against the poor gay characters u created to suffer in this psychological horror piece you’ve written)

I know it’s a dream but holy hell am I heated, in an unsurprising turn of events the alpha reveals how quickly he would r@pe the beta AGAIN and disregard the beta’s wellbeing and consent in favor of his own pleasure.

I truly believe there exists a single prison, with a single cell, wherein there is a single UNCOMFORTABLE lumpy bed with a single THIN itchy blanket and the single FLATTEST pillow available, and to the side of the bed is a single STANDING toilet (hole in the ground) with a single role of single ply toilet paper, and one single skylight window for this author. For crimes against decent plot and character development and for subjecting the readers to the slow painful moral decline and murder of every single character’s personality.

Like girl it is NOT hard to not write your main man as a literal unapologetic r@pist I seriously cannot believe your editor allowed you to write the alpha as a ‘sympathetic’ character, there’s NOTHING sympathic about him bc you took away any empathy readers had to offer by making him - sorry for repeating myself - AN UNAPOLOGETIC SEX CRIMINAL. The story is giving psychological horror bc the reality is, the beta is being manipulated by sentient human refuse and a stalker.

Anyways I’ll see y'all next upload to vent, this is my weekly hate-read, peace and love

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Omegaverse is an alternate universe in which Mpreg is possible.,there are 3 main roles: ⍺, β & Ω

⍺ - dominant & able to impregnate Omegas. Male Alphas usually have a knot when aroused.

β - subordinate to Alphas & may or may not be able to impregnate Omegas

Ω - generally lowest on the hierarchy. Male Omegas are self-lubricating & can become pregnant

 Each Omegaverse has its own variations depending on the writer .

Fluffy ABO - 


Tags: omegaverse
23 04,2024

Everyone psychoanalyzing Brett, I’m over here like everything he says is just hedonism, ‘everything for the sake of pleasure’ type beat lmfaoo

MC on the stairs in that last panel in 67 straight up looking like the grinch AFTER he stole that last ornament from the little girl lmfaooo bros in his devious plotting era fr

Alpha X cell mate who does what prisoners do when they find out their cell mate committed horrendous sex related crimes and beat tf out of them to get them put into solitary

I’m actually so pressed about the alpha being a free man, put that wankstain in JAILLLL idc what sob story he has, being abused doesn’t absolve you of perpetuating that abuse cycle onto those around you. Does therapy not exist in this omegaverse ??

Also can the beta grow a fcking backbone and be single, for someone with abandonment issues who previously couldn’t date for fear of being left behind he seems incapable of allowing himself to be single again. Like this universe has more to offer than your r@pist and your stalker, find a nice beta man.

I really actually want to see an omegaverse with two betas, just regular gay men. That’d be funny with the juxtaposed omega alpha drama going on actually lol

Because the alpha should be on it for multiple counts

Every update I am reminded that this author, this artist, their team of editors, and their publisher all read the alpha’s character fun fact sheet, saw ‘unregistered sex offender’ ‘r@pist’ and ‘serial killer kidnapping and chaining to bed tendencies’ and allowed HIM to even be a contender for male lead.

Who tf wants to ship the r@pist alpha with his victim beta ?? Like that’s a couple that is sponsored by Stockholm syndrome there’s no way to redeem the alpha and not one character in this story (outside of the beta’s brother and his yummy looking husband) have even an ounce of personality.

There’s no character development because there’s no CHARACTER to be had, the beta is a sentient ‘I’ll always be in your back pocket, second choice is fine, when/if the person you choose over me time and time again ends things, you can rest assured that I am pathetic enough to welcome you back with open arms” DOORMAT.

For a person with abandonment issues to cling to someone who blatantly tells you that you’re a stand in for someone else and they’d leave you (and did leave you on multiple occasions) in a heartbeat for their real soulmate, is WILDDD and also just pathetic. The alpha’s entire personality is just adding various crimes to their growing list of charges. And the omega is roleplaying as prolific stalker Joe Goldberg without the murder.

Like the author is basically playing a game of “if the character is hot enough, can a poorly written redemption arc - which will likely consist of the alpha being a sadboi and crying about his hardships to his victim (the beta) who will immediately take him back because the beta literally does not know what self respect is - make my readers forget I chose to (for no good plot or character developing reason at all) make the male lead a r@pist who chained the beta to a bed for days and deprived him of proper medical care ?”

It’s ridiculous and sad like you’re making sure your readers have no one to root for. If the twist ending is they all end up single tho, I will eat my pants because that would be the ONLY acceptable ending and I don’t think the author would do that after freely choosing to make every top character unlikable felons and sex offenders

Nickname created a topic of Midnight Dweller


Nickname created a topic of Shuumatsu no Valkyrie

Has anyone kept track of which gods from each respective mythos or religion have died, cuz it seems like the author really hates the Greeks lmfaooo I feel like if he’d included gods from a more diverse list it would feel less targeted and also just be more interesting. I really would’ve liked to have seen gods from East African folklore, Egyptian gods (which is kinda basic in that content has been made on them pretty commonly, but they’re just really interesting so I eat it up every time), or Aztec deities.

The Aztec sun god Huītzilōpōchtli would have a. Been such fan service bc you just know the author would’ve had him oiled up with a 12 pack and shirtless and b. Been such a cool fight. Like the god of gods from another culture fighting a battle would’ve been so cool, instead we get fan service for a target audience in the nursing home with one million year old crusty Zeus

I hope he chooses no one and everyone ends up paired with a therapist and single for a good long while because they need to learn how to be stable outside of any type of sexual or romantic relationship

Likeee I wanna root for the MC but he is pathetic and has no sense of self worth, he chases after an unrequited love with a person he knows is obsessed with someone else hoping they might eventually give up on that person and turn to him since their first choice didn’t work out.

The purple haired one is just putting words in peoples mouths and should’ve seen a therapist instead of crying at the bar and becoming insanely obsessed with his first time. In addition to being a manipulative stalker.

And the black haired guy has had an obsession on a dude who was nice ONCE while they were KIDS. Like he can’t comprehend that people grow up and they aren’t the idealized version you had in your head T-T He’s also insanely pathetic, like brother PUH-leaseeee all this money and you can’t find literally anyone else ?? That “he’s just not into you” tiktok audio plays in my head rent free whenever he’s obsessing over the purple haired omega who isn’t attracted to him and the MC who he abused and literally locked in his home Ted Bundy 1970’s serial killer style (which all you ‘abuser over manipulator’ shippers seem to ignore for some reason)

I feel like Oprah fr, “YOU get therapy!” “YOU get therapy” “YOU over there, reach under your chair, you’re gonna find something nice, that’s right, it’s THERAPY!”

Like honestly I’m kinda obsessed with the MC’s brother and his bf, I wanna see their story and not this one since I just KNOW he ends up with the abuser.

And before any of yall ask, no I don’t actually know any of the characters names because this comic pissed me tf off and I don’t remember names of characters that make me appreciate the person I was 1 hr ago before I read this comic. I’m reading atp out of sheer spite. I don’t wanna say I’m mad, so I’ll leave yall off with what my Nigerian friend’s dad says “my enemies have succeeded today”

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Isekai BL 
Reincarnation, Transmigration
Reincarnated in Another World
Reincarnated in a Game World 
Reincarnated in a Book World 
Transported to Another World
Reincarnated Lover 
Multiple Reincarnation 
Reincarnated in the Past 
Time Travel
Time Rewind

27 03,2024
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Omegaverse --/--
Alpha : Super elites . Can get Omega pregnant .
Beta : Normal guy . But can't get Omega pregnant . But some of them can . (you have to read the story for that XD )
Omega : The lowest (in reality they are strong guys if you think about it) . Can pregnant with Alpha (beta too) . If they are in heat , they're release pheromone in which make Alphas horny and want to mate with Omega .   (●'◡'●)ノ ---more or less like that---

Part 1 --->

24 03,2024