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bakashi created a topic of Taram Taram Taram

i just binge read the story with an open mind because of the low ratings. every time there is an interesting take on certain stories with a toxic ml, it’s immediately dragged through the mud. this manhwa is no exception.

the story is great as it features many complex yet well written characters. despite being a slave, dawn is highly intelligent and has excellent survivor’s instinct. she is observant and calculating which helped her survive as a maid thus far. even though she is living in a foreign country where she is constantly looked down upon, she still wants to see the land flourish and become stronger.

i honestly don’t like jefar as he’s stuck in his old dated beliefs and only sees dawn through a single lens. he says he wants to see the ml be a good ruler, trying to protect him from being executed for being with a slave, yet i personally think he’s the one holding the ml back. while i do understand his wariness, including the time period they’re in, he’s being narcissistic and completely unhelpful.

the ml is toxic, yes, but that honestly doesn’t bother me. wanting a male character who is 100% a green flag is a red flag in and of itself, we’re humans and we all have flaws. he is cunning, calculating, possessive, obsessive and intelligent. he is also powerful and doesn’t discriminate people as we’ve learned from his convo with jefar. those are all qualities that i enjoy. i honestly thought that he was gonna be a mindless, abusive tyrant from the comments but unfortunately a lot of people just hate on a character like the ml.

i’m having fun reading the story. the translation could use some work, a bit of improvement with the artwork and less censorship during intimate moments but great story overall.