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R.K. created a topic of Be, Be

ლ(´ڡ`ლ) giving me better action than most stories I've read recently

R.K. created a topic of BAITS

Aww, he cares ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ meanwhile violence occurs.

R.K. created a topic of Seize My Boyfriend

I think it's just him vaguely remembering a bit of their past life/arc. In the novel, MC says that their normal in this life.. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

R.K. created a topic of Seize My Boyfriend

Is going to be hilarious Wait until the fun is revealed.

R.K. created a topic of I Have To Be A Great Villain

(≧∀≦) I did not expect that line from Bai Mo. I'm loving it though.

Wang Yi, have you tried just stripping in front of him? Put on a show for him then jump him ლ(´ڡ`ლ) I wonder if he has been teasing Wang Yi lately knowing what he wants. Small revenge for leaving him before.

R.K. add 1 photos to Album

Nooo, not the cute rabbit

R.K. add 1 photos to Album

The rabbit immediately understood. He's like hey, I'm just a carrot eater. Leave me outta this!

R.K. add 1 photos to Album

Grawr!! Those shoe details

R.K. add 1 photos to Album

"I'm not a man you can control." OMG, that blew the sad feels away. CEO line came out

R.K. add 1 photos to Album

Sir, get your 2nd rate Waluigi ass away from her!

R.K. add 1 photos to Album

Came to Yuri to help, ended up eating dog food

R.K. add 1 photos to Album

Stawwwwppp!! My Darling Minjunnie took me out! This man fell so hard.

R.K. add 1 photos to Album

Bro... Your growing pains are actually crazy

R.K. add 1 photos to Album

Okay, it's cute, but also kinda scary with the juices coming out like that

R.K. created a topic of Don't Press the Button

They read A Prince for the Crow They both end up waking up in a field.

But he's so cute that it is hard to find him very menacing. But yeah... Based. I would beg for human food too if I was an animal

R.K. add 1 photos to Album

This cat is judging him for sniffing the pillow woooooowww

R.K. created a topic of Revenge Guide

Dang, I feel like we've been through so much in these 8 chappies For some reason I thought it was longer. Rejection came early, eh? I feel like the 2nd Guide is just going to be dog shit. A bit confused how or if the seme is going to fix these parts of his personality

( ̄∇ ̄") Poor Baby. Sorry to break it to ya, but that person is taken. You're sweet and everything.... But nah. Hope you take it alright.