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I would put this is the psychological thriller category. RAPE. CONFINEMENT. Come on yall, please don’t tell me y’all find this cute bc if you do i bet u smell like doodoo water and fish.

I’m on chapter 22 and I think other then the yucky stuff the plot is very intriguing.(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

[email protected] like the answer
yo face finna be on a missing poster cuh

at first it was good! but then the rape and shit got me like (っ°Д °;). Also at the end? really? They characters got more dumber and they act like my 11 year old relative. “does he love me? Does he not”-boy if you don’t shut yo goofy ass up.Also the mc, to me, kinda got more feminine overtime; bigger eyes. overall I give this a 4/10

[email protected] created a topic of Comes In Threes

why couldn’t he just be an overprotective brother and not a brother lover

[email protected] created a topic of Guiding Hazard

I had a jumpscare with that Kang guy. That mofo ugly and scared mc? Like, pick a struggle am i right? (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

does anyone else imagine short guy with a deep ass voice?(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

[email protected] like the answer
These 2 mfs.....ahhhh i hate them so much!!!!!
[email protected] like the answer
This made me more depressed, I'm blaming you for every promblem in my life.