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Infinityfox created a topic of Kusuriya no Hitorigoto

Why just why, I got my hopes up again due to all there double chapter uploads. Where is the official upload site and what novel is this based off?

ma'ams delusional if she thinks she is getting married to Yako now ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭. Yako and Nanao are made for each other and I just want them to live in peace together.

Infinityfox created a topic of Just Twilight

NOOO, the jerk is going to use this as a in with our girl. I'm so upset, heartbroken, and nervous T^T

Infinityfox created a topic of Kusuriya no Hitorigoto

I just want an update that isn't art from another version or an older chapter T^T

Infinityfox created a topic of Kusuriya no Hitorigoto

Definitely was confused, but it's not chapter 69.

Infinityfox created a topic of Kusuriya no Hitorigoto

Leave the poor child alone . Also just wait our girl about to set them all straight!!!

Infinityfox created a topic of Akatsuki no Yona

Can we just time skip to when everyone is alive and together again. Thank you

Now tell her you like her without beating around the bush dude!!