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Kuro February 22, 2021 3:32 pm

Okay I want to start off by saying, I had a very hard time trying to understand wtf was going on in the beginning. The translations look like someone used Google translate and that is a horrible way to go with that (but the new group had a much better translation).
Granted, I wish people would stop comparing this to KS yes it has SIMILARITIES but it is not the same thing.
Yoonbum never slept around for money to pay off a debt and Sangwoo killed random women he has slept with (bc of the trauma from his mother). Where as this guy is I guess hunting people down with a connection to this guy he pretty much has a clear goal in mind.
*Much like the title implies,"chess piece" but I did see some saying the title is wrong as well and I have no idea what these characters names are. I really want to know
And the whole kidnapping, rape torture, death, etc... isn't new either (be it with BL's or straight stuff). Koogi's just so happens to pop off in popularity. Overall it isn't plagiarism or "stolen" work- inspired? I'd say it's more like that with the designs of the characters and some of their personalities.

    Liamthebean1 February 22, 2021 3:48 pm

    The person is trying their best at least appreciate it... jezz if it’s so hard to read buy it of Lezhin..

    hellyeahiluvyaoi February 22, 2021 4:01 pm

    Tbh he didnt look like Sangwoo at all haha

    EatMyNut69 February 22, 2021 4:15 pm

    I am sorry but you will be able to understand it without even looking at the translation. Literally takes half a brain to get the mits of what's going on no offence

    WK Raphael February 22, 2021 5:17 pm

    I agree with the later half of your comment however like other people were saying it wasn't that hard to figure out what was going on even if the translations weren't the best. If you don't like it find the raws and translate it yourself frfr. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Kuro February 22, 2021 5:32 pm
    The person is trying their best at least appreciate it... jezz if it’s so hard to read buy it of Lezhin.. Liamthebean1

    I couldn't find it on lezhin I mean I did get it (later on down the line with the new translations). Unles sit goes by a different name? People were saying the title name was wrong

    Kuro February 22, 2021 5:33 pm
    I am sorry but you will be able to understand it without even looking at the translation. Literally takes half a brain to get the mits of what's going on no offence EatMyNut69

    I got it what was going on with the new group at least dumbass. Yesh

    Kuro February 22, 2021 5:35 pm
    The person is trying their best at least appreciate it... jezz if it’s so hard to read buy it of Lezhin.. Liamthebean1

    Okay and they have a new group now so *shrugs*

    Kuro February 22, 2021 5:37 pm
    The person is trying their best at least appreciate it... jezz if it’s so hard to read buy it of Lezhin.. Liamthebean1

    But I searched the title and it does not show up...

    Kuro February 22, 2021 5:38 pm
    Tbh he didnt look like Sangwoo at all haha hellyeahiluvyaoi

    Sangwoo is beefier to me plus the hair on this guy is different.

    hellyeahiluvyaoi February 22, 2021 6:17 pm
    Sangwoo is beefier to me plus the hair on this guy is different. Kuro

    Yup totally diff. Only the uke looks kinda Yoon Bum with more meat ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Kuro February 22, 2021 6:48 pm
    Yup totally diff. Only the uke looks kinda Yoon Bum with more meat ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ hellyeahiluvyaoi

    I agree. Plus he does have some fight in him too a lot more than yoonbum imo

Kuro February 11, 2021 12:08 am

I just started this and I just have to say the earlier chapters are kinda messy with translations. So it is kind of difficult to follow for the most part ;; but I'm excited for the next chapter though.

Kuro December 18, 2019 7:29 pm

Honestly I think it's kinda funny but it also adds onto the contrast between nobles and low born. Nobles may seem as though they have it all- Wealth, Experience, etc.. But Seungho definitely lacks experience with rejection, and what emotions are (other than anger).
Jealousy is one ugly bitch, but hell him not being aware of his actions is hilarious it's clear as day he is jealous.
But with lowborns they do not have everything handed to them at all. They face rejection all the time, have fear, etc.. and Na-kyum has faced this 100%. While Na-kyum can be pretty passive at times there are time when he can speak his mind. And I wanna see him call Seungho out on his jealousy, rage, etc.. because I'm sure were building it up to know more about seungho's backstory.

Kuro November 15, 2019 6:37 pm

Why do people automatically think that yoon will somehow automatically turn out 'nice' and this will have a,'happy ending'. Bruh a lot of you definitely misunderstood this manhwa and the characters a lot from the very beginning if you thought that tbh.
*Also this is set in a different time period it's not 2019 in this manhwa as well which people seem to forget.
I personally loved the scene where Seungho has pulled Na-kyum's hair and seeing his shocked expression.
Seungho is clearly the type of guy who has never experienced true love (and if he did in the past he was hurt by it). But seeing him get rejected as he did (not only by status but by not getting the love he desires).
Is a huge highlight in my book for his character and I just love how this was done~
*By that I mean, to have sex with people is just a past time for him (originally) for fun. But to actually have someone to hold onto, and for someone to constantly tell you,"I love you". Is clearly something he hasn't had before he may /want/ just sex but he actually /needs/ love and affection. And the fact that he got rejected actually knocks his ass down a few pegs (including his pride and ego). Do I expect him to do a 180° amd start to be a mushy pg13 type of character? No, But I do expect him to actually reflect and reevaluate himself a lot more from this. *And to actually try to win Na-kyum over the right way without force.*
But the only problem is, he basically fucked himself over- Because now Na-kyum has a way to get back at Seungho by telling Sir in-hun everything about him (to be Sir in-hun's little spy). Seungho is gonna have to go through a lot to even win Na-kyum back on his side but atm it's not looking too good for either of them (we still need to see what Jihwa is up to as well ).

    and_rews November 15, 2019 7:08 pm

    i'm sooooooooooooooooooo curious in how Yoon is gonna act around NK!!!!

    MangaSanctuary November 15, 2019 9:03 pm

    You're expressing the thoughts I feel about this new chapter. Ha people... I swear they're just like girouettes, liking in times of grace and hating in times of misery, they don't like this story as it is.

    Kuro November 16, 2019 7:38 pm
    You're expressing the thoughts I feel about this new chapter. Ha people... I swear they're just like girouettes, liking in times of grace and hating in times of misery, they don't like this story as it is. MangaSanctuary

    I'm tired of people complaining about it at this point like do you not know what you are reading? Everytime a little thing happens they spam the comment section with useless things. I'm so tired ;;

Kuro November 7, 2019 9:33 pm

Did lezhin change the dates for when it should update? (it changed for both the Korean/English version). I didn't see any post by them about it (I'm just curious) and it does seem like the author (byeonduck) seems to be in a rough spot though. :/

    kyra 23 November 7, 2019 9:38 pm

    No, it's still on hiatus, the english version. Korean raws are out

    Kuro November 8, 2019 7:28 am
    No, it's still on hiatus, the english version. Korean raws are out kyra 23

    People keep saying the English version comes out on the 13th or the 20th of this month. I'm just questioning where are people getting that information exactly? And yeah I bought the raws, but it also seems as of they day it updates has changed.

    Gattaca November 8, 2019 12:03 pm
    People keep saying the English version comes out on the 13th or the 20th of this month. I'm just questioning where are people getting that information exactly? And yeah I bought the raws, but it also seems as o... Kuro

    The Korean hiatus came earlier than the English hiatus and took a while. So the English version is doing the same thing.

Kuro November 1, 2019 8:34 pm


In this chapter (23) we can still see that Na-kyum does not remember a damn thing (just a vauge face) and that's it. But with Seungho teasing and really trying to earn Na-kyum's attention is really cute here. But I do wonder why does it seem that Sir in-hun is jealous of them interacting? I wonder if his homophobia is more so internalized rather than it just being something he hates just because. Does Sir in-hun actually like Na-kyum but can't fathom being gay in any shape way or form maybe? He must be feeling some type of way for him to sit there looking mad tbh.

    Chrystclean November 2, 2019 4:08 am

    In-Hun had the case of CLOSET HYPOCRITITIS , he knows Na-Kyum has feelings for him but he is the guy that says NO TOUCHING THE LOW QUALITY SUBHUMAN PEASANT ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    MangaSanctuary November 2, 2019 5:54 pm

    He must hates the both for different reasons, and seeing them interacting like this just upsets him even more...

    Kuro November 3, 2019 4:32 am
    In-Hun had the case of CLOSET HYPOCRITITIS , he knows Na-Kyum has feelings for him but he is the guy that says NO TOUCHING THE LOW QUALITY SUBHUMAN PEASANT ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ Chrystclean

    That is very true, but I'm just making theories on why that is I suppose? Something that is more so internal that makes him this way. Haha and yeah that's basically him 100%

    Kuro November 3, 2019 4:38 am
    He must hates the both for different reasons, and seeing them interacting like this just upsets him even more... MangaSanctuary

    That is true, but I wonder about that? Is it really hate or jealousy? For Seungho to have power, be openly gay and have money (pretty much have everything given to him). As for Na-kyum a low born who was originally seen as some "talentless" idiot- He actually has genuine talent for art and is very much noticed by others for that reason. I mean he sold his art to make some bank to survive and now he is with someone powerful as Seungho- That would make sir in-hun very jealous tbh.
    Sir in-hun has no actual skills that are really note worthy (other than archery) and being able to plagiarize other works. (Yeah it may slip past /some/ people but it's not going to get him very far with that tbh).
    Sure you can say its /just/ hate, but I feel like its something more than just that. And jealous is definitely there imo.

    MangaSanctuary November 3, 2019 9:15 pm
    That is true, but I wonder about that? Is it really hate or jealousy? For Seungho to have power, be openly gay and have money (pretty much have everything given to him). As for Na-kyum a low born who was origin... Kuro

    I'm agree with your analysis of the characters' background and situation.
    About your question I think it's both, hate and jealousy mixed with other feelings of frustration. Also In Hun surely is getting really upset after what Seungho did to him (makes him kneel down); and seeing the both Lord and Nakyum being all flirty must be frustrating and annoying to him.

Kuro October 25, 2019 5:58 pm

I think this chapter was to show power/balance in a of,'Senugho vs Sir-inhun".
Sir-inhun is so far up his ass, that he lacks actual power- the way Seungho forced him down as if he is
supposed to bow (and seeing that vein on his hand hfhsh). I legit thought he was going to behead his ass right then and there tbh.
Sir-inhun may think he is suited for royalty but he clearly isn't.
*Also I do know that byeonduck clearly uses symbolism. And I remember drawing Jihwa and @'sing byeonduck saying something like,"Jihwa's design reminds me of a deer. But we see a deer die in this chapter and I'm like . I think Jihwa is going to die- he had a weapon (which was a katana) and Seungho has bows and arrows). But this could also symbolize the death of something that is innocent as well.

    Kuro October 25, 2019 6:33 pm

    *I also wanted to add that by Seungho wearing black (which is a dom color) is a nice touch as well!

    Sally.222 October 25, 2019 6:52 pm

    I totally agree! I also appreciate you sharing this haha, I had no idea that symbolism was a thing in this story, the plot thickens

    Kuro October 26, 2019 9:33 am
    I totally agree! I also appreciate you sharing this haha, I had no idea that symbolism was a thing in this story, the plot thickens Sally.222

    Yup! For me I absolutely love symbolism in any story and I love pointing out things for fun~ Haha

Kuro October 23, 2019 12:55 pm

Just 3 more days I'm hyped!

    chagguk October 23, 2019 11:43 pm

    Me too, I'm 100% anxious, seeing the cover on the top daily yaoi manga's makes me read the lasts chapters ALL over lol
    Im hust wondering If it's worth to wait till november 1st to see it in english ir just go ahead and see the raw ( ̄∇ ̄")

    Kuro October 24, 2019 5:06 am
    Me too, I'm 100% anxious, seeing the cover on the top daily yaoi manga's makes me read the lasts chapters ALL over lolIm hust wondering If it's worth to wait till november 1st to see it in english ir just go ah... chagguk

    lol I agree! but my curiosity has grown so much that I will more then likely buy the raws even if I don't understand a lick of it

    YAOIobsessed October 24, 2019 8:00 pm
    Me too, I'm 100% anxious, seeing the cover on the top daily yaoi manga's makes me read the lasts chapters ALL over lolIm hust wondering If it's worth to wait till november 1st to see it in english ir just go ah... chagguk

    I'm looking for the raw do you know where I can find them?

    Kuro October 25, 2019 8:19 am
    I'm looking for the raw do you know where I can find them? YAOIobsessed

    Raws are not out yet, not until the 26th.

    YAOIobsessed October 26, 2019 10:23 am
    Raws are not out yet, not until the 26th. Kuro

    okay thank you!

Kuro October 1, 2019 8:56 am

Its October 1st and we have like 2 weeks (right?) until the next update so let's do a count down! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    232323 October 1, 2019 10:18 am

    October 26 so it's 3 weeks. So long...

    Kuro October 1, 2019 12:13 pm

    opp yeah I wrote this at like 3 am lmfao sorry but yeah!
    I'm sure it will go by very quickly~

Kuro September 27, 2019 9:46 pm

Honestly, I don't like Sir in-hun but I highkey wanna draw him w this hair down and w/o his glasses. I think he could look cuter?

    Miki September 27, 2019 10:57 pm

    I ship for jinwga and inhun

    Miki September 27, 2019 10:57 pm

    I ship for jinwha and inhun

    Kuro September 27, 2019 11:43 pm
    I ship for jinwha and inhun Miki

    I never thought of that ship actually huh that would he interesting though!

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