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Bruuh April 16, 2018 11:44 pm


A lot of you may like him, but come on
he's crazy and fucked up with a lot of people
yeah, he had a bad childhood, he's also a victim and Jaeha has his on fault BUT STILL

    Bruuh April 23, 2018 12:34 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! @Anonymous

    well, first this is a comic, so you cant judge me based on what I think of a fictional character
    and yeah, he loved his brother, but he wasn't a good person, he was a victim and yes, his parents are to blame, but he still killed people
    and I do know people who have been through similar things, and they did not start killing people
    and let's be honest, if he didn't make all the fuss in the street, Jaeha would still be alive

    ウジンくん April 24, 2018 2:53 pm




    Can you even blame Yoseob though? Out of everyone, he's had the absolute worst life. Abused and was almost strangled to death by his biological parents, suffering a mental disorder, it's never been treated.
    Abuse, especially at such a young age, can really break a child during their developing years. (There's also a mental illness stigma in Korea, so digest that for a second.)

    Then when Jaeha is finally hit with the decision to help Yoseob's fragile mental state, he acts far too slow. Yoseob is an outcast in his school, only relying on Jaeha since Jaeha would willingly give up his friendship for Yoseob. If Yura had actually heeded Yoseob's threats, nothing would have really happened in the first place.

    Reminder that Jaeha had also made Yoseob dependent on him. Then, once Jaeha had found friends that really truly care for them, he started to dump Yoseob while Yoseob's mental state was getting worse and worse, even moreso, planning to dump Yoseob in a mental ward. Everyone has failed Yoseob, even Jaeha himself.

    And still Yoseob gets the worst possible ending ever.

    Bruuh April 24, 2018 9:51 pm
    Spoiler. ................... Can you even blame Yoseob though? Out of everyone, he's had the absolute worst life. Abused and was almost strangled to death by his biological parents, suffering a mental disorder,... ウジンくん

    I agree with you on some points and I even said that his parents have the blame and also Jaehaa[but he was right about putting yoseob in a mental yard, he needs help]. The I hate thing that I said is only seeing Jaehaa's side and part of it was a joke that I have with some friends who know the comic, I don't really hate him and kinda like him as a complexe character. But he still killed a lot of people. And the thing about Yura? Don't blame her, she's also a victim, Yoseob attacked her and kissed without permission, you saying that she had to follow yoseob's threats to be safe, is the same to tell a woman not to wear short clothes so she won't get rapped.[I'm taking this way to far, sorry, but is true]
    Also, I don't think he has the worse ending, he seems happy at the end, dreaming with Jaehaa, at least in his dreams, Jaehaa will never fail him and will forever be by his side

    ウジンくん April 25, 2018 7:39 am
    I agree with you on some points and I even said that his parents have the blame and also Jaehaa[but he was right about putting yoseob in a mental yard, he needs help]. The I hate thing that I said is only seein... Bruuh

    Yoseob does need help, yes, but Jaeha doesn't have to abandon Yoseob just like that, especially when Yoseob is extremely mentally frail. That can drive someone to even worse--and Jaeha was already doing that. He was slowly leaving Yoseob, who at the same time, his mental state was worsening.

    Except that Yura was already warned twice. Once by Taeoh and another by Yoseob. If the girl had half a mind, she'd gtfo out of the situatuon like any other sane person and continue on with her merry life... I mean, the person forcefully kissed you, then you were warned by the person themself, and then your frenemy also warns you about the person. Tell me if you reaaaaallly still want to stick around. If you still decide to go against the numerous warnings, that's pretty much your fault.

    It's not about Yura's safety being forcefully threatened even though she was innocent (yes I know that Yoseob had kissed her forcefully and she didn't like that, though even though he did force himself on her, he was far from harming her and hadn't thought of her as a threat), but rather that she shouldn't have pried into Yoseob and Jaeha's private life after being warned.

    Yoseob definitely has the worse ending. He's still mentally ill, he doesn't seem to be getting better, and he's left alone and abandoned to rot in a mental ward. Even if Jaeha is still there via hallucination, eventually those hallucinations will stop. Yoseob could have lived a good life, could have finished school and graduated alongside Jaeha. He could have gotten proper help with the support of Jaeha and his family, but no man, no. Yoseob has truly been the victim of this story.

    Bruuh April 26, 2018 12:33 am
    Yoseob does need help, yes, but Jaeha doesn't have to abandon Yoseob just like that, especially when Yoseob is extremely mentally frail. That can drive someone to even worse--and Jaeha was already doing that. H... ウジンくん

    he may be, but the people that he killed also are
    and yeah, Yura was dumb, she was just being a naive girl who was alone and falling in love
    but you're doing to her what you think I'm doing to Yoseob, saying that he's the only guilty one
    come on is never the victims fault when they are attacked or harassed
    he hurt her so it's his fault. She could have kissed Jaehaa in front of Yoseob and still wouldn't be her fault if he hurt her. It'd be his, because he did it
    but look at the bright side, at least yoseob is alive and if he gets better, who knows? Maybe he can try a better life

    why am I lying to myself? I know this won't happen
    but I will pretend that it did

    ウジンくん April 26, 2018 5:11 am
    he may be, but the people that he killed also areand yeah, Yura was dumb, she was just being a naive girl who was alone and falling in lovebut you're doing to her what you think I'm doing to Yoseob, saying that... Bruuh

    I never said that Yura was the only guilty one though. Everyone in Yoseob's life is the guilty one, and ironically even Yoseob himself is guilty in his own life.

    It is her fault, for she continued to ignore warnings, continued to pry into Yoseob and Jaeha's life for her own satisfaction when it didn't concern her. /Yoseob gave her a very clear warning/ and she didn't follow it. Curiosity killed the cat you know. If there's a sign on a lions cage that says "Do not disturb" but you ignore the sign and disturb it, who's really at fault?

    She's lucky she was only maimed but not killed (as seen in the raws, her face is back to normal).

    As if Yoseob will have a better life. He's permanently blind in one eye and locked up in a mental house with hallucinations of Jaeha. Like I said, Yoseob is truly the biggest victim of the story. His life started out terrible, and he'd probaby end it terrible too. When Yoseob had realized Jaeha is gone, he stabbed himself in the eye. Who's to say he won't end his life when the hallucinations are gone?

    Bruuh April 26, 2018 11:13 pm
    I never said that Yura was the only guilty one though. Everyone in Yoseob's life is the guilty one, and ironically even Yoseob himself is guilty in his own life.It is her fault, for she continued to ignore warn... ウジンくん

    funny thing is we're basically saying the same shit
    I agree on that, I just don't see Yoseob as innocent like you do, even tho you also sees him as guilty
    and the difference between Yoseob's case and the lions one
    Yoseob is a human with consciousness, he still thinks even if he's mentally ill, the lions don't, they act by instinct
    but like I said Yura was duuuumb

    One last thing, even if you're sad for Yoseob, look at the good part
    he's happy, even if it's just for now, he is and we don't know if the hallucinations will end, he may live happy in there just like Namsoo from Save me

    ウジンくん April 27, 2018 8:14 am
    funny thing is we're basically saying the same shitI agree on that, I just don't see Yoseob as innocent like you do, even tho you also sees him as guiltyand the difference between Yoseob's case and the lions on... Bruuh

    Yoseob is a victim to /himself/ is what I mean to say.

    Yoseob acts with instinct, not out of consciousness. He had to be taught the "normal" things. He flinched when people held their hands out to him, so he had to be taught to accept them when he realized they didn't hurt. He was taught to like Jaeha, which slowly developed an instinct that when Jaeha is gone = pain.
    How to get rid of the pain? Remove the one who's causing the pain. That's basically how Yoseob acts. He's human, of course, but he reverts to such an extremely primitive action when dealing with pain.
    Yeah Yura is dumb. Aka, it's her fault for her case.

    He's happy but not in the long run.
    And even if he lives happily in hallucinations forever, none of it is real. None of it is substantial. He lives in a messed up state of mind where he sees his dead brother. No one wants to live like that forever. It's unhealthy.

    See Namsoo gets proper treatment because Hyeongoh, the person he treasures the most, still visits him from time to time to give him company.
    And Namsoo isn't as self-destructing as Yoseob. Namsoo is a different case as he doesn't have a bad past like Yoseob nor has he had abuse inflicted on him. He protects Hyeongoh because he wants to, not because he /needs to have Hyeongoh/. Yoseob, from a young age, is conditioned to /need/ Jaeha. A life without Jaeha is a life not worth living for Yoseob, hence him stabbing his eye (and then calling for his brother "Brother... I got hurt." The line is pretty vague so while he could he talking to the detective that looks like his brother, I also thought that Yoseob said it because he intended to die, so he can see Jaeha in an afterlife or whatever)

    Bruuh April 27, 2018 8:07 pm

    okay then
    but I stick to the point that, as long as he's locked up he can't harm other people nor himself
    so I'm okay with it
    even if he was one of the protagonists I didn't want him to "win", because if he gets what he wants, everyone would suffer, probably more than now
    I mean, Jaehaa's parents must be suffering like hell because of yoseob and Jaehaa... yeah, we already know
    sad thing is even if I still think his death is Yoseob's fault, I know that it's also Jaehaa's, he brought this on himself and dragged Yoseob to suffer with him
    Yoseob, his parents and Jaehaa are the reasons why this is all happening

    ウジンくん April 28, 2018 9:20 am
    okay thenbut I stick to the point that, as long as he's locked up he can't harm other people nor himselfso I'm okay with iteven if he was one of the protagonists I didn't want him to "win", because if he gets w... Bruuh

    He'll harm himself, not others, so Yoseob is still at a lose-lose situation. He stabbed his eye out, and the kid is crafty. He could very well use other things to kill himself.
    Nothing would have had Yoseob win. His true win would have been to just let things happen as they are. Yoseob, while obsessive of Jaeha, was still able to function as a normal member of society in the beginning. He wasn't suffering from hallucinations or having that creepy version of him whisper in his ear.

    What are you talking about lol that was Yura's doing. I told you she got too close to Jaeha despite the warnings, which pushed Yoseob into a very broken state of mind. This broken state of mind pushed him to mutilate her, which lead to secrets being spilled out. Secrets being spilled out resulted in truths being put into revelation, and discussions on how to fix it.

    While Jaeha and his parents are the root of the problem, it's been far too long to fix that and it's already ingrained in Yoseob. Assessing the mental damage to Yoseob, I can concluse that Yoseob shouldn't have been antagonized

    Bruuh April 29, 2018 1:30 am

    sooo, fuck everyone else?
    Jaehaa will never have someone and Yura will never be able to trust someone
    but Yoseob would be okay, not completely happy, but okay
    in your conception, everyone has to live a kinda crappy life so just yoseob will be okay?

    ウジンくん April 29, 2018 1:51 am
    sooo, fuck everyone else?Jaehaa will never have someone and Yura will never be able to trust someone but Yoseob would be okay, not completely happy, but okayin your conception, everyone has to live a kinda crap... Bruuh

    Jaeha genuinely loves his little brother, now whether its brocon or platonic, I don't know. Jaeha still functions as a normal member of society. He doesn't have to love someone because love comes and goes.
    I honestly don't really care what happens to Yura, since she sets herself up for her own failures. Don't get me wrong I like girl characters, but it's hard to even like or understand her.

    Like I said, really nothing will happen if they were just left alone. Jaeha and Yoseob were happy, Yura has fun being... herself. Taeoh also still functions normally.

    Bruuh April 29, 2018 2:59 am

    true, I only "care" for Yura, because I pity her
    and Jaehaa wants her so yeah
    she deserved to be bullied? Not... really? She was a bitch but what her classmates did was a little extreme
    but think, if Jaehaa falls in love, he'll never be able to be with the someone he loves romantically and that's really sad, because we can see that he wants to be with someone, or at least I did
    and at some point just Yoseob wouldn't be enough for him, we can see that because he said he wanted to have friends, not just Yoseob
    Save me ending would be perfect for them
    if only Jaehaa wasn't dead

    ウジンくん April 30, 2018 1:42 pm
    true, I only "care" for Yura, because I pity herand Jaehaa wants her so yeahshe deserved to be bullied? Not... really? She was a bitch but what her classmates did was a little extremebut think, if Jaehaa falls ... Bruuh

    Yura lied and deceived people. She personally insulted those girls ("keep eating and you'll end up like a pig") and took her anger out on them when they didn't do anything to her. Yura also uses Taeoh, only going to him when she has problems but never listens to Taeoh. She's set herself for many things, and karma has paid her back.

    Jaeha should have been more careful. He apparently knows well about his brother's mental state, therefore he should have paid more attention. The whole thing with the fish should have been a red flag for Jaeha in terms of him prioritizing something else over Yoseob. Now I'm not saying that Yoseob should have everything spoonfed for him, but Jaeha was the one to make him like that in the first place.

    Jaeha does have friends, but he prioritized Yoseob over them. Jaeha just didn't realize how much his friends had cared for him.
    Now Jaeha shouldn't have just up and left Yoseob like that (not especially when Yoseob was slowly deteriorating), he should have at least made the effort to bring Yoseob along so Yoseob isn't left to his own thoughts.

    Pacgirl May 6, 2018 6:34 pm
    Yura lied and deceived people. She personally insulted those girls ("keep eating and you'll end up like a pig") and took her anger out on them when they didn't do anything to her. Yura also uses Taeoh, only goi... ウジンくん

    I mostly agree. Jaeha, though he knew about his brothers mental state, he didn't know how to fully care for him. He's also young and some young people can be irresponsible, and make mistakes, and fall under stress.
    If I were to pin complete responsibility to someone it would be the parents. Who should've been looking out for both of their children as their parents and guardians.

    selaoctop May 16, 2018 6:40 am


    Bruuh May 24, 2018 3:03 am

    I was tired of the conversation, but now that the new chapters are here, I fell like talking
    and... yeah, after reading everything, seeing Jaehaa resolving his problems with Taeoh, I was happy, at least he died knowing that the whole Taeoh shit wasn't his fault
    Still blame Yoseob, even tho the image of him that I had since the earlier episodes is being erased. it's better now and I'm happy his paying for what he did, but sad because he isn't getting better and neither is Taeoh, maybe his paying for all he did for Jaehaa

    Bruuh May 24, 2018 3:04 am

    dude, the first comments start with "spoiler"

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