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infinite1214 September 30, 2018 2:30 am

I recently read this yaoi but like im an idiot and forgot to add it to my list of reading. There's these two childhood friends and one of them (boi 1) falls in love with boi two. When boi 1 notices his feelings he distances himself from boi two. Now they r in highschool and some s*** goes down and boi 2 ends up kinda raping boi 1. The last chapter ended on like boi 1 getting f***** by some other dude and he tells boi 2 that he doesnt like him anymore.

infinite1214 April 27, 2018 2:07 am

I remember reading some yaoi one-shots a month back but i didn't have an account and i forgot to book mark it. One of the stories is a man goes to a bar and falls in love with a rly good looking dude, that man gets a makeover and ends up sleeping with the dude and then the man gives up but the dude doesnt so he kinda kidnaps him and they clear up the misunderstanding and they fall in love, another one-shot was this guys lover died but came back as a zombie and they have sex. That is all i remember so please help me figure out what the name of these oneshots are

infinite1214 April 8, 2018 11:51 pm

I recently read a manga and I don't know what the title is. There is a guy and a girl who run a beauty shop and it helps other girls get the guy they like. And theres a one-shot at the end. Its not beauty pop btw

infinite1214 February 17, 2018 9:25 pm

Hi, i read this yaoi manga a while back and I want to reread it but i forgot the name. The parts i remember of this manga was that there were two guys that were best friends (but not from childhood). One of them is nice and out going (man 1), the other is cold at first but warms up to the other (man 2). they go to a mixer one day and man 2 ends up leaving with a guy (man 3), and soon realizes that he is gay and so is man 3. they start dating but man 1 doesnt like it and convinces man 2 to break it off. sooner or later man one and man two realize their love for each other, man 2 realizing it after hooking up with man 3.

infinite1214 February 17, 2018 9:25 pm

Hi, i read this yaoi manga a while back and I want to reread it but i forgot the name. The parts i remember of this manga was that there were two guys that were best friends (but not from childhood). One of them is nice and out going (man 1), the other is cold at first but warms up to the other (man 2). they go to a mixer one day and man 2 ends up leaving with a guy (man 3), and soon realizes that he is gay and so is man 3. they start dating but man 1 doesnt like it and convinces man 2 to break it off. sooner or later man one and man two realize their love for each other, man 2 realizing it after hooking up with man 3.

infinite1214 February 17, 2018 9:25 pm

Hi, i read this yaoi manga a while back and I want to reread it but i forgot the name. The parts i remember of this manga was that there were two guys that were best friends (but not from childhood). One of them is nice and out going (man 1), the other is cold at first but warms up to the other (man 2). they go to a mixer one day and man 2 ends up leaving with a guy (man 3), and soon realizes that he is gay and so is man 3. they start dating but man 1 doesnt like it and convinces man 2 to break it off. sooner or later man one and man two realize their love for each other, man 2 realizing it after hooking up with man 3.

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