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Bribri's experience ( All 0 )

Bribri's answer ( All 8 )

I totally understand where you are coming from, but for all the reasons people said above like not being able to afford to buy every single mange, not all of them being legally licensed and just not wanting to purchase aa mange that glories rape and abuse. Sorry, not putting my money into the hands of someone who supports that behavior. On top of t......   reply
19 01,2021
Hi, I'm 22 and I want to talk too. If there's a line group would someone add me my line ID is music_worshipper   1 reply
01 11,2019
I'd also love to talk too, my line ID is music_worshipper   reply
14 08,2019
Bribri 14 08,2019
Hi, could you also add me my ID name is music_worshipper   reply
14 08,2019
about penpals
Hi I'd also like to talk I have line my id is brianna97. If you ever get it, you can add me and I'd love to chat   reply
14 06,2018

Bribri's question ( All 1 )

about penpals
Hi, I'm 20, and very introverted. I find it hard to talk to people about a lot of things, but I'd like to talk to anyone about anything. It doesn't have to be manga. If you're interested I have a LINE ID. Let me know
08 06,2018

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did song lyrics stuck in head

Sucking on that dick made my lipstick slip off (Uh)
So can I wear your cum as clear lipgloss? (Uh)

1 hours
did song lyrics stuck in head

Pretty when you're looking up like that
Pray but Heaven won't let you back
Good on your knees

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did stuck my cock in a blender


3 hours