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cuynmii➷ answered question about question
Everything you've said describes what it takes to have a pet. If you don't like them and hate the most common things dogs do, then I think you shouldn't have a pet in the first place. I'm thankful that you won't replace your dog once it passes because no other dog will have to experience being cared for by you. Just as some people shouldn't have th......
cuynmii➷ created a topic of Don’t Say You Love Me

Come on! I just finished crying over ORV (Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint), and now this is happening too.


Maybe its kim suho's aura but damn hes so fucking hot!! people in his universe blind asf. Hes mine fr

cuynmii➷ answered question about thank yaoi for existing
Back then the only manwhas I read are those historical/medieval reincarnation shoujo, and I was just chilling in tiktok asking for "historical" manwha recommendations, then someone recommend me painter of the night... :/ I guess its my fault for not making it clear but yeah.. I can only explain the experience in one word. Traumatizing.
cuynmii➷ created a topic of A Trace Of Margins

This chapter(25) just fucking ruined everything for me, author why?? Just why?? I thought he's not narye that's why I was fine and actually rooted him for the mc but now you're telling me he's actually him all along????? And he even made someone else pretend that they're narye and let him get hurt?? Fuck this stupid asshole, he's shit in every universe. Just kill yourself for all I care! I HATR THIESS the story got ruined so bad. Not another toxic ml naur.

cuynmii➷ answered question about question
Who tf ask questions like this bruv
cuynmii➷ answered question about read 1000 manga or more
people here be sayin that everything is boring n shi while having the most plain ass no plot rape manwha/ga/hua in their reading list
cuynmii➷ answered question about question
thats so redflag omg I feel like people like this would rather read a grape manwha with good artsyle than read a manwha with goodwriting but bad artsyle. But i mean its pretty understandable if the characters face looks very off? And maybe its because im more of a novel reader thats why I dont really mind if the artsyle is not that good or just ug......
cuynmii➷ answered question about question
Gay people are real tho Its no surprise that people are gonna be offended by it considering almost every popular grape manwha are about gay guys?? Not only that but its also considered as ROMANCE OR BL as in BOY'S LOVE like what part of that is love when it consist grape?? anyways lemme fix that "why are people still surprise when a manwha that......
cuynmii➷ answered question about have an unpopular opinion
stupid incel go cry bout it it aint womens fault you weirdos are perverted. back then womens cant even show their ankles cause you fuglys get turned on when you see it you all say that every generation. No one actually fucking care if you think people who wear 'revealing outfit' looks 'Innapropriate' to YOU. you're not what you think you're to b......
cuynmii➷ asked a question

shounen ai or 18+ idont care just give me itt
(I dont want any rape or anything with sa, torture stuffs not unless its psychological or horror:))


Vol1. 3 is ass. Thats some zoophile shit why tf would you like your dog romantically just because they turned into half human?

cuynmii➷ asked a question

(I dont want any rape or anything with sa, torture stuffs not unless its psychological or horror:))

cuynmii➷ answered question about question
If you're a gay man or a straight man(probably) that's no prob. But if you're a straight woman that only reads bl like no straight romance or saphic at all then i think you have a serious fetish. !!OPINIONATED STATEMENT!!
cuynmii➷ asked a question

hi anyone please recommend me bls(doesn't matter if 18+ or not) where the mc have a personality(doesn't need to be exactly close) like the mc of "exclusive no love zone" aka "beta off not dating"(?) like i want them to be smart(not like smart smart just want them to not act dumb) not a pushover and actually have their own personality it doesn't need to be omegaverse just give me anything close I'll accept anything. Thankiess!!

cuynmii➷ created a topic of A Man Who Gives It All

Very obv that it won't turn into poly :/
"Sex friends" but pretty sure those guys got feelings for him. Dk but everyone is just annoying for some reason

cuynmii➷ answered question about try to progress in life
yes, we're indeed living in an omegaverse! And fortunately we're all betas!!