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Ro~'s experience ( All 0 )

Ro~'s answer ( All 2 )

It's just me laughing at gen z shit and my dad not understanding   reply
28 06,2021

Ro~'s question ( All 1 )

Ro~ 12 12,2018
I like this guy and I’m not sure if he likes me back . At first I though he did because one lesson we sat next to each other and listened to his music which was really cute but since then we only crack the occasional joke to each other and the atmosphere is kinda awkward like we don’t know what to say? I don’t mind actually confessing it’s just that I think it’ll be uncomfortable for him if he rejects me and we haven’t really been talking to each other recently so I think confessing all of a sudden would be weird? Idk someone give me an outsiders perspective I’m really bad with these things.
12 12,2018

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