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ZenRyu created a topic of Akari to Kare wa Nayamashii

The age gap, same sex relationship with a straight man, inferiority complex.. The way they were discussed was done pretty well. I wouldn't support putting hands on a minor but them tackling their insecurities was honestly impressive.
As this is just fiction, I enjoyed the story. But when I imagined it in real life, especially after putting myself in Mizuki's place I was quite disturbed to say the least. ( ̄∇ ̄")
Even if they genuinely loved each other they should've practiced some restraint. I know the teens are sensitive and all that. They would think if he/she doesn't want to have an intimate relationship with me then he/she must not love me. This makes a minor-adult relationship really unsuitable and troublesome. In my opinion, anyway. If you really wanna spend your lifetime together then just wait a bit more and take it slow.