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Biscuitbum created a topic of Oni to Tengoku


Biscuitbum created a topic of Reunion

So for all of you confused; there are raws that are uncensored (with lightsabers) and there is sex. They also remove here all the spicyness in the kisses.

This manga is so homophobic aaaghhhh
Why do yaoi writers make gay people into r*pists?

Biscuitbum created a topic of Jinx

I would rather the story not make kim dan fall for him like this. He is too foolish. I would be much more ok if JK would fall for him and started to treat him better and then Kim dan would start falling for him.

Biscuitbum created a topic of Delivery Hug Therapy

I'll be honest, the agegap is always a bit disappointing to find out. I really dislike it when the younger one is in their early 20s :/
Otherwise I loved the manga.