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Nakyo answered question about question
People who hate on women who are literally just humans and get treated like they are objects
Nakyo answered question about going to concerts
Nakyo created a topic of Pure Love Operation

Just kill me why don't you??? First of all I'm still in shock that this "confession" happened. I totally didn't expect it at all. And second even tho Dohwa means the most to me in this Manhwa Soae doesn't own him anything!! It's totally fine for her to be friendly with him and for her to be visiting him because guess what u can be friends. U can have a good, wholesome realtionship without that romantic stuff but most guys don't get it and think there will be some kind of development when they wait with that expectation - No

Nakyo created a topic of PLACEBO: Let's Play

Oh I see now I'm starting to understand the older brothers behaviour..and it was ao short noo uh

To me it seems like that the message is that this timeline is different from the first somehow ? Cesear seems different too

Nakyo created a topic of PLACEBO: Let's Play

The new cover is so beautiful tho - I was like "what is thisss"

Nakyo answered question about thank yaoi for existing
My first BL Anime was Junjou Romantica because I didn't realize that both were male! Uke was timid and got a feminine sounding name (Misaki). I started watching it and I loved it

His AD playing on the readio vs what he was saying was so creeppyyy. Short reminder to not put celebrities etc. too much on the pedestal or idolize them endlessly. We don't know shit about them

Nakyo created a topic of Pure Love Operation

Do Hwa Do Hwa Do Hwa Do Hwa Do Hwa

Nakyo answered question about question
Not at all. Society views women as objects, extras for men to have. Men (and a lot of women) internalize those views and as a result barely see women as humans. That's why yeah most men are trash and don't see us as equal humans in the first place
Nakyo answered question about question
I run from it as if it's the corona virus itself. Hate it. I don't like omegaverse anyways but the second I see a child on a BL cover I give it up forever no matter the art or rating. It just destroys it for me.
Nakyo created a topic of Pure Love Operation

I love him so much.....why did the author have to create two perfect Male Leads?!

Nakyo created a topic of Oshi no Ko
Nakyo answered question about lmao
We are torturing and killing 80 billions animals that are no different from dogs and cats every year for meat and diary
Nakyo created a topic of PLACEBO: Let's Play

I just read on their twitter that we can expect S2 on june!!!!!

Nakyo created a topic of Pure Love Operation


Nakyo answered question about have an unpopular opinion
Men rape and assault women. Who is at fault? The women? Are u fuking br@indead? Get lost
Nakyo answered question about question
Climate change. Humanity has a low chance to survive. To get a child because I think it's exciting only for them to have nothing to eat in some years after their birth is not responsible to me.
Nakyo created a topic of Warehouse

I literally liked everything about this. It's fucked up but idk...I can't explain it really