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Quicksilver August 31, 2020 6:30 am

I like this chapter so much, and to all you "well-wishers" I'm pretty sure Lee Kang's backstory will rip your hearts out. I don't know this from reading raws or anything. I've seen same thing you've seen.... but ... I hope it does so maybe you guys will stop being so one-sided and filled with evil-intent toward those who have suffered, not just those who have been raped.

Quicksilver August 31, 2020 5:45 am

Raindragon, I know you're here. much love. a shadow, a ghost. how could they do that to you. I know. It's a dirty trick. All your supporters miss you and send you good feelings

Quicksilver August 30, 2020 11:02 pm

does anyone read the Korean comments? They are cool and funny, and there aren't any hysterical bornagain puritans screaming rape ad nauseum, ad infinitum.

    miki August 31, 2020 5:00 am

    I know that's a raindemon when I see one. lol
    you sure got a spiffy new boy-look. Miyuki got nuthin on this pic, and that's saying some...

Quicksilver August 30, 2020 10:45 pm

I love this even more than stan and fairy.

Quicksilver August 25, 2020 5:09 am

I tried to post a rough translation of Ch 21, but I don't see it appearing here. Mangago hates my guts right now. lol. so maybe they won't let me post it. sorry. It's a good chapter. I'll see if I can compress it, but if mangago wants to eff me over, I might not be able to post it at all.
People post translations all the time. It's not like I'm doing something weird.

    Quicksilver August 25, 2020 6:03 am

    Below is a rough translation of Chapter 21
    This is a link to the raws of Put A Smile On if you want to follow the images.

    This is only the first couple of scenes since mgogog is being not so free with the amount of words in a post.
    Scene 1
    Jihoon, the redhead (by the way he acts, he might be the Captain, the Catcher, or maybe both of the baseball team)
    He enters the TA’s office after hearing sniffling: That's... what...
    He goes further into the TA’s office and finds the TA,
    Soohyun: Can you help me? Will you please have sex with me?
    Jihoon: !!
    Soohyun: Jihoon....
    Next panel is Jihoon’s baseball cap falling to the floor and what I assume to be sfx for a blowjob
    End Scene 1
    Scene 2
    Junho arrives home. Greets his (I guess it’s his mom or sister): I'm home
    Mom: How was it?! Did you bring an umbrella? Did you eat?
    Junho: Tired. I'll eat it later
    Junho goes to his room and flops down on his bed, thinking he’ll get some rest.
    Picks up cell phone. Sfx: Touch Touch
    Junho says to a person on his cellphone [Jihoon?]:No matter how much I hate it, should I apologize?
    Junho thinking to himself, talking to Lee Kang in his thoughts: Ah... Still, I'd love to contact you.
    Lower part of panel. Junho frowning at cellphone:Is that guy just acting, but even if I ignore that, Why am I feeling like this? Do you care?
    Junho lying face down, feet hanging half off of bed:Why was it..
    Next, it looks like a message with photos or a film clip, which is displayed on Junho’s cell phone. 1st Bubble: On the afternoon of April 10 Around 3:10
    While avoiding a police crackdown on drunk driving,
    A drunk driver, Mr. A (35) made an illegal turn to his right at the intersection
    2nd bubble: Three other cars turning right at the intersection crashed.
    3rd bubble: in this accident the people in the last car, a young couple In their 30s, died.
    At the time of the accident, the young couple wrapped themselves around their child and together protected him.
    Lee Kang: I was able to live thanks to my parents
    Picture of Lee Kang all beaten up, sitting on the floor of a dirty dungeon-looking room. The door of the room is padlocked.
    Thanks to the parents, their son’s life was saved
    This industrious child was a swimmer with a promising future. It was known and created even more regret.
    -Junho: Why are you so sorry?!!
    Junho: What happened to Lee Kang?!!!

    Quicksilver August 25, 2020 6:32 am

    here's the rest

    Scene 3 At school Junho enters, looks around hallway, thinking, searching with his eyes: Didn't you [Lee Kang] come here?!
    Junho [sitting in classroom]: What is it, You always come first. Why not today?
    Professor: Now! Please sit down.I'll start class.
    Junho: Already?!
    Finally! [class is over]
    Junho thinking: Until the end Lee Kang didn’t show up for class.
    Junho (still frustrated thoughts): What's this?!!! Why won't you come? I don't think the dog is coming..
    Junho lost in thought: What happened to you?
    The TA Soohyun appears in the corridor and calls out to Junho: Junho.
    Junho: Hmm..!?
    Soohyun TA: long time no see. Do you have time right now to talk to me?
    Junho looking bewildered, distracted: Talk to you? Ah...what….okay
    They go to the Rooftop
    Junho: Why did you call me here?
    *Soohyun: I like to come up to the roof when I feel like emptying my anger
    When I found out about it, I also came to this place.
    Junho: What are you talking about....!
    Soohyun: A while back, one day I met Lee Kang for the first time.
    Soohyun: That moment I can't forget.
    [ panel with pic of Lee Kang] Soohyun: At one point, I fell in love.
    Soohyun: Why do I want to say this to you? It is a declaration of war.
    Soohyun: If you want to continue playing baseball, listen to me. From this moment stay away from Lee Kang. If you do, then I'll pretend not to know
    Soohyun: Otherwise. Everything. I will reveal it all.
    End Ch 21

    Cookies August 25, 2020 12:32 pm
    here's the restScene 3 At school Junho enters, looks around hallway, thinking, searching with his eyes: Didn't you [Lee Kang] come here?! Junho [sitting in classroom]: What is it, You always come first. Why no... Quicksilver

    You're a true hero!! Thanks for the translation !

    Also Lmaaao the story keeps getting worse for Junho, how is he supposed to stay away from the dude who's also threatening him with the exact same thing?

    Quicksilver August 25, 2020 1:15 pm
    You're a true hero!! Thanks for the translation !Also Lmaaao the story keeps getting worse for Junho, how is he supposed to stay away from the dude who's also threatening him with the exact same thing? Cookies

    there's one part with about 3 sentences that I just couldn't get, so then I had to cut the translation down so I left them out, but Lee Kang threatens him again. lol I didn't know if it was a flashback or what. It's very brief.
    but, yeah, damned if he does and damned if he doesn't LOL

    Graydaze August 25, 2020 6:59 pm
    here's the restScene 3 At school Junho enters, looks around hallway, thinking, searching with his eyes: Didn't you [Lee Kang] come here?! Junho [sitting in classroom]: What is it, You always come first. Why no... Quicksilver

Quicksilver August 25, 2020 5:03 am

I tried to post a rough translation of Ch 21, but I don't see it appearing here. Let's see............
Below is a rough translation of Chapter 21
This is a link to the raws of Put A Smile On if you want to follow the images.

Scene 1
Jihoon, the redhead (by the way he acts, he might be the Captain, the Catcher, or maybe both of the baseball team)

He enters the TA’s office after hearing sniffling.

That's... what...

He goes further into the TA’s office and finds the TA, Soohyun

Can you help me? Will you please have sex with me?


Soohyun: Jihoon....

Next panel is Jihoon’s baseball cap falling to the floor and what I assume to be sfx for a blowjob
End Scene 1

Scene 2
Junho arrives home. Greets his (I guess it’s his mom or sister)
I'm home

How was it?!
Did you bring an umbrella?
Did you eat?

Tired. I'll eat it later


Junho goes to his room and flops down on his bed,
thinking he’ll get some rest.

Picks up cellphone
Sfx: Touch

Says to a person on his cellphone [Jihoon?]:
No matter how much I hate it
Should I apologize?

Junho thinking to himself talking to Lee Kang in his thoughts:
Ah... Still, I'd love to contact you.

Lower part of panel. Junho frowning at cellphone:
Is that guy just acting, but even if I ignore that,
Why am I feeling like this?
Do you care?

Junho lying face down, feet hanging half off of bed:
Why was it..
Next, it looks like a message with photos or a film clip, which is displayed on Junho’s cell phone.

1st Bubble:
On the afternoon of April 10
Around 3:10
While avoiding a police crackdown on drunk driving,
A drunk driver, Mr. A (35) made an illegal turn to his right at the intersection

2nd bubble
Three other cars turning right at the intersection crashed.

3rd bubble
in this accident the people in the last car, a young couple In their 30s, died...

At the time of the accident, the young couple wrapped themselves around their child and together protected him.
Lee Kang: I was able to live thanks to my parents

Picture of Lee Kang all beaten up, sitting on the floor of a dirty dungeon-looking room.
The door of the room is padlocked

Thanks to the parents, their son’s life was saved
This industrious child was a swimmer with a promising future. It was known and created even more regret.

Junho staring at cell phone screen -

Note: sorry but I couldn’t make this sentence out. The Korean is here if anyone wants to try for a text translation of these lines:
너는.. 정말 쓰레기같은
*Junho: Lee Kang...
You really are a strange person
Lee Kang...
You really are for shit...

Lee Kang:
By the way..
If you don't want to die, you're gonna keep having sex with me.

Why are you so sorry?!!

What happened to Lee Kang?!!!

End scene 2

Scene 3 at school

Junho enters, looks around hallway, thinking, searching with his eyes:
Didn't you [Lee Kang] come here?!

Junho [sitting in classroom]:
What is it, You always come first. Why not today?

Please sit down.
I'll start class.


Finally! [class is over]

Junho thinking:
Until the end
Lee Kang didn’t show up for class.

Junho (still frustrated thoughts):
What's this?!!!
Junho walking down steps:
Why won't you come?
I don't think the dog is coming..

What happened to you?

TA Soohyun appears in the corridor and calls out to Junho:


Soohyun TA:
long time no see
Do you have time right now to talk to me?

Junho looking bewildered, distracted:
Talk to you?

They go to the
Note: I marked a few lines I couldn’t get. Sorry. I left the Korean text. And marked them with a *

Why did you call me here?

올라오는 걸 좋아해
이렇게 바라불 때면
답답한마음을 .
화 비워주는 것 같거든
I am on the roof
I like to come up
Whenever I pray like this
The stuffy heart.
I feel like I'm emptying my anger

어디 기댈 곳도
없어 이곳을
That day too I had no place to lean on. I hadn’t found this place yet.

뭔소리야대체 !!
What are you talking about....!!!
that day
Lee Kang
I met him for the first time.

That moment
I can't forget.

[Pic of Lee Kang panel]
At one point
I fell in love.

Why do I want to say this to you?
It is a declaration of war.

If you want to continue playing baseball, listen to me

From this moment stay away from
Lee Kang. If you do, then
I'll pretend not to know

I will reveal it

End Ch 21

Quicksilver August 24, 2020 9:36 am

I am totally on Lee Kang's side, and I feel sorry for him, too, I'm on Junho's too, and I hope they have love and tons of passion cuz I want to look at those two bodies all dirty.
I feel this way because they're my damned main characters, and why the eff would I want to read this stuff if not for pleasure? I'm not doing this stuff so I can get mad and demand justice. I don't want justice.
They are not real people, they don't impact the world, they are like candy. I do and always have felt very very lucky to have found this genre, and grateful that it even exists and that there's people who don't find it weird, cuz I don't know anyone in RL who likes it... well, except Miki. LOL.
I'm sure as hell not going to waste the story with real world anger and angst about social injustice. I get plenty of that in the RW. i'm not going to include it in this my favorite world. Call me a rape apologist all you want. Do I look like I care?

    rafal August 24, 2020 9:45 am

    finally someone who doesn't care if it has rape like i get that rape is really disgusting but its a fake story not real for u to be like ooo if it didn't have reap in it i would have read the story.

Quicksilver August 24, 2020 5:16 am

Wow, I'm really impressed with our good person who does these uploads. Thank you so much for the work you've done and are doing. It's really appreciated.

Quicksilver August 22, 2020 4:21 pm

I have the same frustration about these comments that i have about others. There is a HUGE difference in the way people are reacting now compared to how they used to react a few years ago. Currently readers finish the story with an "I'm having a nervous breakdown over the pedophile/rape/incest/you-name-it in this story!! omg help me lordie!"
The atmosphere among commenters now is like a hysteria-producing bomb went off, and the fallout is stuck into the fur of all the readers. like their eyes are bulging out of their sockets from focusing so hard on the pedophile aspect of Totally Captivated rather than the actual manhwa, the story, author, the craft, the art, the pleasure it has bestowed on the reader, which is the way people used to react.
No one used to come out of reading this manhwa foaming at the mouth over the father figure's relationship with Mookyul. It's not really what the story is about, and the end of this manhwa is so precious and uplifting that people coming to the comments all frayed, nervous, weird, and uncomfortable over the pedo relationship frankly disgusts me. How can your whole sense of a story come down to you going into a bat-shit frenzy over this one aspect when there's so much to love about this author's masterwork? Weren't you reading this for pleasure? Or are you working your neurosis so you'll have lots to say in therapy?

    Succube September 4, 2020 9:07 pm

    lol i love you for saying this. The drama with the old man made me frustrated and really pissed off (╯°Д °)╯╧╧ but this is still ma fav manhwa cause all the emotions it made me feel. Its fiction, people need to sit back and chills. Enjoy the emotions that the story is making you go through and get over it a few days later. According to the people who hate this, all stories should have generic af relationships, bruh how boring. Why even bother reading then ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    Quicksilver September 5, 2020 8:16 am
    lol i love you for saying this. The drama with the old man made me frustrated and really pissed off (╯°Д °)╯╧╧ but this is still ma fav manhwa cause all the emotions it made me feel. Its fiction, peo... Succube

    and I love you for saying this. ( ̄ε(# ̄)ΣΣ(っ°Д °;)っ ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ

Quicksilver August 21, 2020 3:19 am

I'm not going to spoil, the upcoming chapters are interesting and not at all what I'd expected. about as far away from what I'd expected to read as possible

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