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just one fucking break. just one bruh

context: jamie asking holy out on a date

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ok nvm NOT ethan

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bruh i thought this was the reaper but guess like it's ethan instead

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i actually cried a little from the pain empathy

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why is this the 2nd time a char is named john

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실라스 add 1 photos to dumbassery

oh my nickel is it that hard to kiss yourself?? i would've kissed myself w/ no hesitation


what the hellll i can't believe (s)he farted

fair i'd be weirded out in that scenario too

i agree, where are you getting that confidence from

when did she have time to take a pic of that billboard one??

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okok that's reasonable for her to do that. i'd be concerned too

i swear he's not trying to whip out his junior

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