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And then bitches be paying more attention to fucking trolls complaining about "Omfg can we have one normal post?" Every time there's a normal or at least a interesting post, y'all wanna fucking Yap about how dumb it is to post it on here. Forums doesn't only have to be used for manga or stories, they're used for anything, if someone wants to vent o......
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Cause they're fucking miserable and all they wanna do is complain, my autistic sister contributes more to a conversation than mangago users
Ayoooooo followed question about your opinions

Why do i consistently see someone make a topic they wanna talk abt then mofos in the comments are like "why are you saying this here" or they just make an effort to disagree on literally anything even if its a relatively neutral topic? you are contributing nothing to the conversation and just sitting behind your screen hating and for what? genuine......

19 days
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Idk man my entire life revolvers around orv I'm pretty well fed tho
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I question my sanity everytime I read the questions or experiences people make..
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Poem so good i feel pregnant too
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Has anyone here created a manga or is a manga artist? feel free to share your work

18 04,2024
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To orv fans, We all know about kdj's love for chinese dress and garter belt.I'm curious if there is any good fanfiction where yjh tries on chinese dress and garter belt for kdj and you know,rails the shit out of kdj or something idk.,.

09 04,2024
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Banger manwha recs pls. But not the popular ones tho

22 03,2024
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I feel like I'm the embarrassment at this point. I feel like everything I say was always the wrong option.
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Kim Dokja As a sexy merman on the shore with water dripping down his hair, with tears in his eyes and a melancholic expression (I'm curious to how this will come out, also sorry for adding to the KDJ requests I couldn't hold back my desire to see this... ( ̄∇ ̄") )
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That's nonsense tbh. Just because someone cannot draw a specific thing doesn't mean they cannot clearly see, point out and advice for betterment. That's like saying I need to be a doctor to tell someone with a broken leg to go get it fixed.
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Mcs are like baby ducks you know? They cling to the first one that shows up regardless if that's what's best for them, and there's nothing anyone can do about it
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Yeah, they would, obviously. Now the question is why do people like it so much?
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