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Lark created a topic of Waterside Night

I personally like toxic romances with bitter love and dangerous desire. The storyline alone is nicely-simple but it definitely draws you in intensely by your heartstrings. It is my type of tale and I feel you have to already be a fan of darkness to enjoy the stars and the moon.
This story is not easy; it’s not swoon-worthy—it is hard, dark, devilish and shakes you to the core because it feels so believable. This tale in general is vile, but this has HEART. It truly has good heart worth rooting for.
I marvel at the omega’s steadfastness, his goodness, and his pure and unbreakable love for the child.

The revolting, wrong doings made by the alpha eventually change him wholeheartedly. Not just because of some hormone-draw to the omega, but because eventually love and adoration bring mindfulness to him. He begins to see with new eyes. There is light in him, a light that was only ever-so there in s1 and when he wept at the end of s2, it is as clear as day that he will guard and love the omega with his life with what’s to come. He is changed and he has made it to his redemption arc.