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LiE answered question about question
Insecurities will make anyone fight over the dumbest shit- if people loved themselves more and didn’t waste time judging others as much there’d be less drama for sure. Anyways, didn’t this was growing into a problem if it’s one at all but done let tv/social media drama rot your brain. Take care of yourselves. Hollywood bs/tv drama…
LiE created a topic of Jinx

If anything- I’m happy he bitched at our boy. He needs a smack of reality even if he gets the fish in the end (which I don’t know the end).

Finally some wholesome no-bullshit sexy Yaoi! Even though it’s short I loved it.

LiE created a topic of Nerd Project

…. M A N N N N N N….

LiE created a topic of Rainbow City

The silence is so loud while looking at the back of his head. I wish somebody could smack it-

… how did I end up here

LiE created a topic of 1 to 10

He’s from the other manga along with the dude that recommended the blind date.

LiE created a topic of Please, Candy!

I saw this dude in the other manga (the red head dude) and I didn’t know…

LiE created a topic of The Path Of Star

He can’t relax and focus on enjoying time with his peeps because he fighting off his demons- his trauma. He had chosen to fight alone in this situation that it’s going to be awhile before he can even open up and stop running away. Of course he’s having episodes since his past is still haunting him (and it’s being brought back up.)
┗( T﹏T )┛

LiE created a topic of Jinx

This is what you call “dick drunk”. Man’s confused. If only he cared more for himself.
┗( T﹏T )┛

LiE answered question about question
I can’t draw guys… but here’s an older drawing of mine. This is Jack. He’s a ghosty goober. (A shiny Gourgeist gijinka.)
LiE answered question about character obsession
Whether they are or aren’t, reading those comments and bio’s make me feel like a way better person. Whew reading that is literal brain rot.
LiE answered question about question
I doubt you are but for me it depends. If that’s the purpose of the manga then yeah expect it to be mainly centered around straight up (or not so straight lol) porn. It gets annoying when I’m trying to see where the story is going and they just keep forcing sex scenes whenever they can and the story barely develops as well as their characters. ......
LiE answered question about question
Was reading “A boy and his wolf”. The dude with the black hair was on some sorta zoom call with his friend on his laptop showing his drawings. He started doing the Pokémon team rocket chant with the movements and masked dude basically dropped by his window and yeah. Awkward lol.
LiE answered question about question
Yeah… I’m not gonna look that up since random links can lead to getting your IP address pulled and shit. Lol. I have little knowledge on this but it’s a weird thing to share as a topic- to me at least. I don’t want virus’ and shit.
LiE answered question about disturbing thing you saw
-People putting a timer on shit I’m in charge of like getting a doctor’s appointment, like fuck off. -family members. -The dark because I couldn’t grow out of the fear of it for some reason. -being the center of attention anywhere. -people. -love and crushes, whether it’s me crushing or it’s someone crushing on me. (I hate it.) -crying an......
LiE followed a goer
18 11,2023
LiE created a topic of The Path Of Star

He’s hot and wet-

From the rain I mean. (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

I wanna hug him but he looks like he bites. (⊙…⊙ )

LiE answered question about life experiences
Here’s a small list:
LiE created a topic of Define The Relationship

Is Ash spoiling our boy because he realizes the shit he probably went through growing up? He didn’t have that fatherly love and now wants to pamper him a bit? Either way he’s being so wholesome while Lyle is ready to push him down LOL.