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Aura created a topic of Nerd Project

For everyone commenting if jujucat has dropped this, then this is for u!
The official chapters of this manhwa were currently on a 2 week hiatus n hence - no uploads for the past 2 weeks... The 31st chapter will be released tmrw so hence we might be getting an upload within 2 days.... So pls be patient everyone!
N if u wanna read it that badly, u can always visit other sites to read fanmade translations instead of yapping abt it over here... Thank u!

Aura like the answer
Yes it’s called post nut clarity like wtf did I just do
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24 03,2024
Aura asked a question

Guys, could u pls recommend ur fav types of man/hua/hwa/ga where the bottoms/ukes r tough, strong, assertive etc. n that actually don't look like the typical meek n fragile trope? Like 'need project' , 'sunny days' , or 'unromantic' etc?
I'm desperate
N thanks a lotts in advance

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22 03,2024
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Im a bi girl but i hate feminised (self insert) mcs in BL so i am suggesting a few with good plot and no stupid cliche plots Our sunny days (literally needs no explanation) Taming the tiger and Mania by Brothers without tomorrow(edited from every manhwa since i just realised those two were the only ones i read TwT and everyone is saying the others......
Aura followed a goer

// dark romance simp.
here, we worship all ukes— twinks, normal build, BUFFS (especially buffs. mlEm)

22 03,2024
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queer female suggesting - Doukyuusei by Nakamura Asumiko is an all time classic for me; extremely beautiful story and art, funny, and really captured that freakin feeling I experienced the first time I had the fattest crush to the same sex. One of the GOATs. Sweet, wholesome, home. - Shutline by Kyo Woo, this one is pretty smutty but this is liter......
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Girl just click the Shounen Ai tag. Not to mention the shit written by gay men for gay men is often significantly "worse" than any of the stories you just mentioned
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Yo I read as a hobby and my main genre is bl
That's it, and i still make long ass essays, I can't escape it
Certified yapper
Might be acoustic---- not really, I just suffer from adhd lol (someone save me from this hell)

current obsession:

If you follow me, dont be shy to tell me the reason, I'm curiousss (please I'd be racking my brain every time, but I feel honored, I'm also curious where u found me lol)

20 03,2024
Aura followed a goer
20 03,2024
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As a gay catholic christian I believe marriage should be only between a man and a woman. However, same-sex couples should be able to enter a civil union, which would give them the same legal rights as marriage. What most people do not understand is that being gay doesn't mean that you're excluded from Jesus's Love or Divine Grace. We all carry our......
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FREE THE TITTY!! as a girl myself sometime wearing a bra is very unconfutable and suffocating to me, plus people shouldn't be staring at other womans chest and being able to see that their bra less is fucking crazy to me because how hard to you have to be looking to see that they're not wearing one. that shit is WILD to me. . . .
Aura like the answer
Personally, I think staring at someone's chest and being able to check if they're wearing a bra or not is a bit strange.