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Yaoi Jesus created a topic of Beethoven Reborn

I too would be motivated only by money to buy more yakult

Yaoi Jesus created a topic of Be My Baby

And this is so similar to gattaca... and just as gay as it too

Yaoi Jesus created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

Clearly Jistar knows who Neuta is. But this chapter he's still acting like Neuta is a pervert with slaves... while in the last few chapters caring whether Neuta sees him as a close friend or not. I know our baby Jistar is kinda dim and probably hasn't confirmed his feelings for Neuta yet but I thought he'd at least confirm whether or not he's scared of him in a perv way

Yaoi Jesus created a topic of Part-Time Partner

I like groveling arcs and the entertainment value of MLs like this (just cause i like/get catharsis from smth in a story doesnt mean ill condone that shit irl). It's nice to see when someones bad behavior bites them in the ass cause they fall first or harder. And in terms of assholes this isn't smth ive never seen before. But yhis guy literally manipulated an entire club to associate MC with bullying just because he thought he was being hit on. And it's homophobic as hell cause he treats girls that like him differently. And now he's hitting on MC more shamelessly than he accused him of doing in the first place. Everything about that just makes no sense and I wish it was acknowledged cause what???

Yaoi Jesus created a topic of Neighbor's Rice Cake

For how much he seems to love sucking the uke's dick. Like that shit never happens or if it does it's just a throwaway panel for foreplay. But he KEEPS ASKING TO DO IT. MAN'S GOT AN ORAL FIXATION

Maybe it's just the translation but Aoi sounds hella jealous of ML and wants that same attention from Naho like the cranes. And maybe Blondie too. They're both way more compelling romantic interests with more chemistry than ML who keeps fumbling and making the misunderstandings worse. I am not a harem girlie but I actually want a harem end for this manga so bad

Yaoi Jesus created a topic of Jinx

But im mad Kim Dan didn't sell the pearl wardrobe. Sir you're now unemployed and in debt!!! Get that cash!!!!