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I will never understand characters that can't(won't) adapt to the story. Whether it's the MC, the villainess, the herion, side character b. I understand trying to stick to the story initially but after one major plot change, maybe consider that you have bad information? After three, definitely understand that you have to create a different game plan.

Is there something in-between a tsundere and a yandere? Because that's what Wooyeon is. He's over here going crazy because his kidnapped man talked with a female coworker in public. Meanwhile, he won't even just say that he likes the guy. Crazy.

I would probably fall for too. "Let me show the date you've been dreaming of" is so heart fluttering.

hunterx2 created a topic of Bad Kid Good Partner

They are all so mean to Hyesung. Like, he doesn't even bother anyone but they all take their anger out on him.

hunterx2 created a topic of Kiraide Isasete

He left him Mr potato!

hunterx2 created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

Now I'm just sad.

It's kind of surprising that the reason Count Chase kept Yiren was to keep his sister safe. Like, it's pretty out of character from the man we know him to be. I guess he used to love his sister? And he even used to support her too. I wonder what happened? He was a brother who cared about his sister so much that he put is own wife and child at risk. There must be some other reason why he changed.

hunterx2 created a topic of Yours to Claim

I just feel like if Yahwi and Jooin were gonna be end game then they should of at least established some non sex based relationship. Like, he even said in this chapter that they didn't date. All they did was have sex. They weren't friends before that and Yahwi treated him like trash all through it. And what I really struggle to forgive is that Yahwi sat by and watched as their peers treated Jooin like poorly and outed him. And they did it FOR Yahwi. Because that's how publicly mean he was to him. They thought he hated Jooin the most.

Like, I'm gonna see this through to the end but Jooin really deserved to leave Yahwi behind permanently.

hunterx2 created a topic of PASSION

All that because Taeui hurt his feelings. Who knew he'd be such a baby

hunterx2 created a topic of To deny the route

You guys are worried about the type of Yandere Ilya is but he already showed us. His crush drowned in a lake and he made it disappear TWICE. In his mind, somehow, the water was the problem. If you apply that logic to literally any other situation, he's a danger to society. Imagine what happens if someone insults Jerry?

hunterx2 created a topic of Beyond Memories

These characters are so lovable. I don't want to believe the spoilers.

hunterx2 created a topic of Yours to Claim

I am shackled to this story and I want to be free. Creator put in all of this work to ensnare me. And I received Go Yahwi as the end game?! They never even really dated. Yahwi didn't take him out on dates. They didn't go shopping together. Jooin was, in the height of their relationship, no more than a sneaky link.

Like, I just don't get it. What is there even for Jooin to like about Yahwi other than his face? Genuinely.

hunterx2 created a topic of Yours to Claim

It must be a dream sequence because there's no way. Yahwi didn't even redeem himself. Like, he literally didn't work for Jooin. And you mean that after learning, healing, and growing, Jooin goes back? That's where we want the story? No. It must be a lie.

hunterx2 created a topic of To deny the route

It's nice that they didn't make his roommates capture targets. He just gets a couple of normal friends instead of more people obsessed with him.

hunterx2 created a topic of Comes In Threes

How many people have to become obsessed with you before you are like "Am I the problem?" Because obviously he isn't but three different people being obsessed with you is actually insane and has such low probability. I would be like, what am I doing?

hunterx2 created a topic of Profundis

Because accidentally melting your little sister to death is literally one of the worst things I can possibly imagine. And I think it's maybe even a step to far. I don't think you can actually heal from that.

hunterx2 created a topic of Salty Lust

But I really feel like they didn't actually build up Nux to have this kind of emotional breakdown. It's like he channeled Bella when Edward left. And now that I really think about it, what do we even know about Nux? He's never felt affection before?! Was he an isolated orphan? An abused only child? Where did this come from?

hunterx2 created a topic of Can't Think Straight

Imagine chasing someone around like a dog then being surprised that they treat you like one.

hunterx2 created a topic of Profundis

Does this mean his brother is DEAD dead this time or?