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the last brain cell's feed

i genuinely dont get how someone could even be into this? like ya'll have to be pedophiles? like i guess i can understand how ship can develope because of like gojo invading yuuji's personal space in some of the episodes but like isn't gojo and geto a more reasonable ship? like tf? anyways, this is like genuinely gross. if you've seen my other comments on other posts i might just be repeating myself but i dont really care... but like yuuji, 15. gojo, 28. thats like...? 13 years??? like i would not care if yuuji wasnt a minor but the fact that firstly yuuji is a minor and secondly gojo is fucking the shit out of him and sexually exposing him? like you guys are fucking gross for liking this. it's just messed up. like even if this was just a wholesome ship where they were just fluff and not being nsfw. i could accept that and be okay with it. like dude. i didn't read most of these but i looked at some of the featured pages aand like that is just gross. there is one of yuuji blindfolded and getting caressed while he's naked... you guys like that??? is all these hate not fucking saying something to you? if there are so many people saying how fucking disgusting this shit is, how can you still think to yourself, "ugh! these haters! if you dont like it dont read it!" like BITCH WHAT??? THIS IS CHILD PORN. CHILD. PORN. i legit cant comprehend how ya'll can think this is okay??? this is fucked up. i dont know who fucking molested you as a kid but you need to seek some fucking help. maybe talk to someone about what happened to you? or who hit you? because you can not be fucking normal if you read and enjoy this. some of you are prbly stroking ur clit to this like dude what? get help. you guys are genuinely fucked in the head.