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KannaBiyou want to do ( All 1 )


KannaBiyou's experience ( All 0 )

KannaBiyou's answer ( All 6 )

Let the girl live how she wants to   4 reply
19 05,2024
Introverted with some extroverted tendencies. INTJ Loves working. Ideal type is someone who’s confident and independent. Lovely if they’re GITSFITS   reply
31 05,2021
:3   reply
16 05,2021
about question
She looks too hot 4 me   reply
26 04,2021
1. I wouldn’t know. But I do think they have their own set of problems and living in those fantasies is like escapism. I’m a fujoshi and I have never wished that so I can’t tell you rly. 2. So for me it because these bois are not fem to be accurate to a gay man who is fem in real life. These bois are fem because no matter the relationship, J......   reply
25 04,2021

KannaBiyou's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did being in a wlw relationship

Now I'm a Man

6 hours
want to do being in a wlw relationship

one day mabye. i dont mind if i stayed single, but i wouldnt mind being in a realtionship.

8 hours
did being in a wlw relationship

Lmao, trauma. It took me 2 years to recover from that shit-

8 hours